Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


Sunday Star Times
March 3, 2002

Letters to the Editor: Abuse Worries
(Name Supplied to Sunday Star Times)
North Shore

Rosemary McLeod's article "The real abuse is of the system" (February 24) rang bells. Seven years ago I became the first man in New Zealand acquitted of sexual abuse charges based entirely on "memories" recovered by three of my six daughters. One of them listed detailed memories of sexual abuse in her cot at age one.

After a week's trial and $124,000 in legal costs, plus a year of great stress, the jury decided not to accept their memories as valid evidence. In that, they followed the lead of American judge William Groff, who refused to admit recovered memories as evidence, citing memories recovered of impossible events, such as abduction by aliens.

However, our main training institutions in psychology are still headed by believers in recovered memories who continue to make "victims" of gullible women and bring heartache to both accused and accusers.

ACC has caused grievous harm by pouring very large sums of money at the "victims" and the counsellors, without question. ACC has a lot to answer for and seems to have learned nothing.

Our justice system causes great injustice by allowing prosecutions to proceed regarding sexual allegations where there is no evidence but the word of the accuser. Juries often get it wrong, as subsequent DNA evidence has often proved recently.

The crown does its best to avoid financial responsibility in these cases. Obtaining costs is made as difficult as possible.