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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


NZ Government
March 27, 2002

Code to ensure the rights of ACC claimants
Press Release

A new draft code setting out ACC's obligations in dealing with claimants was released by ACC Minister Lianne Dalziel today.

Lianne Dalziel welcomed the draft as an important milestone in the development of the Code of ACC Claimants' Rights.

"The purpose of the Code is to give ACC claimants, for the first time, a rights-based framework for their dealings with ACC.  The draft Code clearly states that ACC is obliged to treat claimants with dignity and respect, and that people can expect to be treated in a timely and fair way by ACC.

"This document is a key component in the restoration of the founding principles of ACC, as promised prior to the last election.  We are delivering on that promise," Lianne Dalziel said.

"The Code is intended to help restore some of the faith people have lost in the system over the last decade.  Under the draft Code, claimants have the right:
·    to be treated with dignity and respect and to have

         their views considered
·    to be treated fairly
·    to have culture, values and beliefs respected
·    to have a support person or persons
·    to effective communication
·    to be fully informed
·    to have privacy respected
·    to an environment of co-operative and effective work

"It also complements the improved rehabilitation model required under the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 which takes effect on 1 April.
"Effective rehabilitation of injured people requires a positive working relationship where all parties know they need to work co-operatively and effectively together. The Code will support this happening," said Lianne Dalziel.

Consultation on the draft Code begins tomorrow after it has been gazetted and it runs until 15 May 2002. Copies of the Code are being sent to advocacy groups and interested parties, many of whom were involved in developing the draft.  Copies are also available by phoning 0508 489 489 or by visiting the ACC website