Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


The Dominion Post
February 2, 2004

Alien claims will be next
Letter to the Editor
by John Welch, Picton

Correspondent Trevor Morley (Letters, Jan 27) is to be congratulated for exposing the culture of complaint illustrated by former members of government institutions. Some years ago I coined the term "Welch's Law" (after Parkinson), where claims expand to take up the amount of compensation available.

Nowhere is this better illustrated than the current rort where claimants can receive ACC compensation for sexual abuse but do not have to name the perpetrator or press criminal charges.

Take this report from our local paper: "ACC annual payouts to sex abuse claimants have soared by more than $9 million in the past three years".

I am not psychic but I forecast this development several years ago when I first formulated "Welch's Law".

Reports of alien abduction are common in the United States and since New Zealanders love to ape American culture I am sure similar reports will emerge here. I sincerely hope that victims of alien abduction will be able to look forward to getting their share of Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen's millions.