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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated Feb 1 2005

2004-1230 - The Press - Rise in ACC abuse payouts - One-off compensation for 800
by Anna Claridge - The number of lump-sum payouts by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) quadrupled in the past year, with more than 800 people given one-off compensation payments for injury or abuse. Nearly 50 people were given more than $100,000. Critics say the huge increase in lump-sum payments can be put down to a Government decision in April 2002 allowing sexual-abuse victims to receive one-off payments of up to $100,000.

2004-1224 - One News - Funding for abuse foundation
A counselling service in Auckland for victims of sexual abuse which has been given new funding from Accident Compensation Corporation, says it will still need to keep fundraising. The Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation had warned that it may have to close earlier this year, if it did not get more money. The ACC has just signed a new year-long contract with the service worth $200,000

2004-1223 - NZ Government - Government supports HELP sexual abuse service
ACC Minister Ruth Dyson today welcomed a $200,000 contract between ACC and the Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation for a one-year ‘pilot’ approach to services targeting sexual abuse. ACC will work with the foundation to support crisis counselling and telephone support. Outcomes will be closely monitored.

2004-1020 - NZ Herald - ACC limits on abuse counselling attacked
by Angela Gregory - Sexually abused women are taking longer to recover from their ordeal because of the high cost of counselling and restricted access to therapy subsidised by Accident Compensation Corporation, research has found. Auckland University research fellow Dr Kim McGregor's survey of nearly 200 sexually abused women found that many could not find adequate counselling services

2004-0731 - Otago Daily Times - Massey study on sexual abuse
NZPA - Wellington: Massey University is about to start a 20-month study on how to best help people recover from mental hurt following sexual abuse. The Accident Compensation Corporation said it had commissioned psychologists from Massey's school of psychology in Palmerston North to review international studies on the subject to develop a best practice for New Zealand.

2004-0716 - Waikato Times - Study cash for sex abuse
by Sid Pickering - Hamilton researchers have been awarded more than $120,000 from the Accident Compensation Corporation as part of a project to find the best way to diagnose and help people who suffer mental illness as a result of sexual abuse. Hamilton's Psychology Centre and Massey University are to share a $600,000 ACC contract for the research

2004-0710 - Otago Daily Times - ACC.htm
by Dr Kevin Shannon - …..The propensity for large-scale abuse was so evident that the ACC legislation should never
have been enacted. Until recently, a rapist who "slipped a disc" committing the offence could claim on ACC. Why has this come about? At times it appeared that all the misguided "do gooders" and social engineers from around the world had settled in New Zealand. ACC should be terminated

2004-0710 - Dominion Post - The price of sexual healing
by Sarah Boyd - As ACC begins to pay lump sum compensation again, Sarah Boyd examines its handling of sexual abuse claims. ……… ACT MP Heather Roy maintains that backdated payments are effectively lump sums, after getting information from ACC showing that the highest backdated payment since 2000 was $153,077. She's also concerned at figures showing that two claimants were receiving $1418 a week compensation, and 10 were on more than $60,500 a year. Most sexual abuse victims, though, use ACC just to pay for counselling. The result is that 66 per cent of claimants are out of the system within a year and another 15 per cent within two years.

2004-0706 - The Press - ACC swindler gets three years jail
By Dean Calcott - A mother of nine who ruthlessly exploited her stepchildren to swindle the accident compensation system has been sentenced to almost three years jail.

2004-0620 - Sunday Star Times - Reality check needed for sex abuse comp         
by Frank Haden -
The misguided section of the ACC legislation that extended compensation cover to mental or nervous injury resulting from a sex crime must be amended. Ballooning figures of compensation paid to alleged sex abuse victims, uncovered by Act MP Heather Roy in questions to ACC Minister Ruth Dyson, make overhaul a matter of urgency. The legislation must be rejigged to define a sex crime as an act proved by a conviction or otherwise established. Too often a sex crime is something that exists only in a depressed person's false memory.

2004-0617 - Otago Daily Times - ACC
Letter to the Editor by Dr Iliya Englin - As an Australian, I could only laugh at the criticism of ACC by American lawyer Andrew Straw (ODT, 10.6.04). Australia has tried the US system of
suing anyone who doesn't wish you a nice day. As a result, lawyers rent more space in Sydney CBD than retailers

2004-0617 - Otago Daily Times - Liars and bludgers taking advantage of ACC  
Letter to the Editor by Dr K P Shannon -  There are roughly 190 countries in the world. Only one, New Zealand, is stupid enough to have an ACC scheme or anything similar. Over the past 30 years there has been a steady stream of claimants, some genuine but many liars and bludgers. …..The back "injury" is largely a male phenomenon. So females can also get a slice of the cake we have the "sexual abuse" racket

2004-0614 - NZ Herald - ACC and sex abuse
Letter to the Editor by Gordon Waugh - When introducing the current ACC legislation, Dr Cullen (then Minister of ACC) assured me that sexual abuse claimants were entitled to counselling and, where the conditions are met, a once-only lump-sum payment of between $2,500 and $100,000. That claimants can now obtain weekly compensation based on 80 percent of their assessed earnings is indefensible………It is irresponsible of the present ACC Minister, Ruth Dyson, to continue to allow ACC to accept claims without proof of abuse and consequential permanent mental injury, and a conviction

2004-0612 - Dominion Post - Treatment by ACC is fair   
by D Bealing - How disappointing that Don Rennie (ACC matters, May 22-23) stooped to a lurid, pessimistic, gloomy style, at best exaggerated, at worst paranoid (as was said of Churchill). Rennie's invective against ACC is to his discredit. He is well aware of and, during his career, probably contributed toward the largely positive outcomes achieved by ACC

2004-0611 - NZ Herald - Two sexual abuse victims getting $73,000 a year from ACC  
Some sexual abuse claimants are getting more than $1400 a week in ongoing compensation from ACC, or a gross annual income of $73,000. Two claimants receive compensation of $1418 each week, and 10 are on more than $60,500 a year. …….ACC used accredited health providers to determine whether a claimant had suffered a mental injury arising from sexual abuse, he said. Mrs Roy said it was hard to believe that somebody suffering severe mental injury resulting from sexual abuse could have held down a high-paying job.

2004-0611 - Stuff - Two ACC sexual abuse claimants on $73,000 a year  
"The real crux of the matter is people no longer have to prove that they were sexually abused." ACC annual payouts to sex abuse claimants have soared by more than $9 million in the past three years.  ACC paid out $27,231,652 to claimants in the year ending last October, compared with $17,951,300 for the same period in 2001.

2004-0611 - Otago Daily Times - ACC claimants paid $73,000 pa Payouts for sexual abuse soar  
by Kevin Norquay of NZPA - Some sexual abuse claimants are getting up to $1418 a week in compensation from ACC, or a gross annual income of $73,000. Two claimants receive compensation of $1418 each week, official figures show, while 10 ACC sexual abuse claimants are on more than $60,500 a year . One sexual abuse claimant had a payment of $153,077 in backdated compensation approved by ACC, answers to written parliamentary questions by Act New Zealand MP Heather Roy showed.

2004-0401 - Waikato Times - Woman wanted compo: witness  
by Catherine Hutton - A Ngaruawahia woman who has accused another woman of sexually violating her talked about getting $10,000 compensation from ACC for the alleged assault, a witness told the Hamilton District Court yesterday.

2004-0316 - Green Party - Victims' Service Needs Immediate Govt Help
Ms Bradford is calling on Ruth Dyson, the Minister of Women's Affairs and ACC and Associate Minister of Health and Child Youth & Family, to provide HELP with a 'whole of government' response. "Ms Dyson and her government should immediately save HELP from closure and then sit down with them to discuss a sustainable, simple and ongoing funding solution.

2004-0224 - Waikato Times - ACC fraud detection costly  
ACC is spending more on catching fraudsters. Figures released to the Waikato Times show ACC spent $271,023 on prosecuting fraudsters in 2002, but last year that jumped to $507,657.

2004-0220 - NZ Parliament - Questions For Written Answer       
Dr Muriel Newman to the Minister for ACC - Seven questions relating to the Sensitive Claims section of ACC

2004-0216 - The Press - Counselling
Letter to the Editor by Phillip Robinson - David Dawe asks when the cult of counselling began. During the 1980s ACC decided to pay lump sum compensation to people claiming sexual abuse. The Privacy Act means no rigorous proof or criminal prosecution is required, the psychoanalysis of a counsellor being deemed sufficient to establish entitlement.

2004-0205 - Otago Daily Times - ACC  
by Peter Sara and Michael Gibson - Dr Muriel Newman's scaremongering about ACC payments to victims of sexual offences (ODT, 27.1.04) is inaccurate and misleading

2004-0202 - Dominion Post - Alien claims will be next  
Letter to the Editor by John Welch - Some years ago I coined the term "Welch's Law" (after Parkinson), where claims expand to take up the amount of compensation available.  Nowhere is this better illustrated than the current rort where claimants can receive ACC compensation for sexual abuse but do not have to name the perpetrator or press criminal charges.

2004-0127 - Otago Daily Times - ACC payments for sex abuse soar to $27million   
NZPA - ACC annual payouts to sex-abuse claimants have soared by more than than $9 million in the past three years. Figures released to The Press under the Official Information Act show ACC paid out $27,231,652 to claimants in the year ending last October, compared with $17,951,300 for the corresponding period in 2001.

2004-0126 - The Press - Sexual abuse payouts up $9m
by Sean Scanlon - ACC annual payouts to sex abuse claimants have soared by more than than $9 million in the past three years. Figures released to The Press under the Official Information Act show ACC paid out $27,231,652 to claimants in the year ending last October, compared with $17,951,300 for the same period in 2001.  Critics say the increase shows the rules for "sensitive claims" are not working.  In April 2002 the Government introduced lump sum payments of up to $100,000 for sex abuse claims, prompting predictions from Opposition MPs that costs would rise.

2004-0126 - NZ Herald - Sexual abuse payments skyrocket
NZPA - refer report from "The Press"

2004-0123 - The Press - Catching claim cheats saves ACC $13m
by Sean Scanlon - More than 100 people were convicted of defrauding the ACC of more than $1.1 million in the past financial year. Official figures show the ACC secured convictions in 101 of the 109 claimant fraud cases it took to court.