Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


Otago Daily Times
February 5, 2004

Letter to the Editor
by Peter Sara and Michael Gibson, Dunedin

Dr Muriel Newman's scaremongering about ACC payments to victims of sexual offences ( ODT , 27.1.04) is inaccurate and misleading. The facts are that the increase in ACC's payments of independence allowance to claimants who meet the criteria in the legalisation follows the successful initiative of a Christchurch law firm in alerting victims that their lawful entitlements were being withheld by ACC. All the claimants were invited to do was apply for what they were legally entitled to.

We should note that it was Act New Zealand's ideological stablemate, in the form of the National Party, which enacted the legislation, with Act's help, and was then responsible for ACC's failure to tell claimants about the full extent of their entitlements.

The position with regard to payments of lump sum compensation for permanent impairment under the current legislation, whether for the results of physical injury or sexual abuse, is somewhat different. As noted by ACC Minister Ruth Dyson, claimants currently have to overcome considerable obstacles before they qualify for the minimum awards. Also, as you report, no-one has yet received lump-sum compensation for sexual abuse. We strongly deprecate the actions of hard-right politicians in demonising victims of personal injury in an attempt to scrabble up a few votes. We do not think ODT readers will be taken in.