Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


The Press
February 16, 2004

Letter to the Editor
by Phillip Rex Robinson Woolston, Feb 4

David Dawe (February 3) asks when the cult of counselling began.

During the 1980s ACC decided to pay lump sum compensation to people claiming sexual abuse. The Privacy Act means no rigorous proof or criminal prosecution is required, the psychoanalysis of a counsellor being deemed sufficient to establish entitlement.

Like non-judgmental priests and doctors, counsellors must give a value-free service, so expecting counsellors to identify possible fraudsters is unrealistic. Not only is it against their own financial interests, but also their professional ethics.

Recently a law firm publicly solicited for sexual abuse cases, so there's good money in it, and counselling is a necessary part of this food chain.

Where there's money, there's muck, so counsellors wallow and increase.

The sexual abuse industry uses similar ideology to the treaty industry, capitalising on perceived victimhood. In the spirit of our times even history has a cash value.