Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


The Dominion Post
June 12 2004

Treatment by ACC is fair
Letter to the Editor
by D Bealing, Kelburn

How disappointing that Don Rennie (ACC matters, May 22-23) stooped to a lurid, pessimistic, gloomy style, at best exaggerated, at worst paranoid (as was said of Churchill).

Rennie's invective against ACC is to his discredit. He is well aware of and, during his career, probably contributed toward the largely positive outcomes achieved by ACC.

As a businessman who has paid ACC premiums for many years, I would be most concerned if ACC saw its role as to provide more than the "entitlements required by law". Parliament can change the law if it's justified, but let us not ask ACC case managers to be flexible when the circumstance is emotive, or the advocate silver-tongued.

ACC staff are sympathetic to the needs of individual claimants and the review and appeal process ensures fair treatment.