Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


Otago Daily Times
June 17 2004

Letter to the Editor
by Dr Iliya Englin, Oxford [Abridged. - Ed.]

As an Australian, I could only laugh at the criticism of ACC by American lawyer Andrew Straw (ODT, 10.6.04). Australia has tried the US system of suing anyone who doesn't wish you a nice day. As a result, lawyers rent more space in Sydney CBD than retailers. Enormous amounts of money are siphoned from productive enterprise to feed an army of sharks, who receive up to 50% of all payouts.

Like any bureaucracy, ACC can annoy, but I found it nothing but reasonable. I think that accident victims in New Zealand get a very reasonable deal, and malingerers soon find that it is easier to return to work than live "on compo", a subculture in Australia.

I would be curious to see Mr Straw's evidence that the reckless behaviour often seen here is due to existence of ACC. Most of it seems to be perpetrated by idiots who do not think of consequences. I don't think they would stop just because there was no universal insurance for them. Litigation, importantly, does not prevent negligent behaviour. In Australia, litigation is an assembly line process which no longer even registers with the public, and being sued does not mean that your safety profile will be altered. Mr Straw has come to the wrong country. New Zealand can't even afford first world hospitals - where is it going to get