Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


Otago Daily Times
June 17 2004

Liars and bludgers taking advantage of ACC
Letter to the Editor
by Dr K P Shannon, City Rise

There are roughly 190 countries in the world. Only one, New Zealand, is stupid enough to have an ACC scheme or anything similar. Over the past 30 years there has been a steady stream of claimants, some genuine but many liars and bludgers. The back "injury" (alleged back "injury" is the better term) is the best known example and the names of the "easy" general practitioners are common knowledge, especially in the smaller towns.

As a doctor in general medical practice intermittently in New Zealand until 14 years ago, I well remember the last locum I did in the Wairarapa. A back "injury" patient came in with his ACC form to continue his payments. I still remember the look of horror on his face when I wanted to actually examine him. The work passed quickly to the local boozer and billiard room.

Is Peter Sara (11.6.04) aware of the miracle enacted in New Zealand every March? As the roar of the rutting red deer echoes through the valleys of rural New Zealand. back "injury" patients leap from their beds of pain and, shouldering their 50kg packs and trusty rifles, head into the rugged hinterland - a medical marvel.

The back "injury" is largely a male phenomenon. So females can also get a slice of the cake we have the "sexual abuse" racket.