Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2004 Index 


Otago Daily Times
July 10 2004

Letter to the Editor
by Dr Kevin Shannon, City Rise [Abridged]

Correspondents Denise Powell (24.6.04) and Suzanne George (2.7.04), replying to my letter, have missed the point. Of course there are genuine claimants, but the bottom line is that there should be no claimants, genuine or otherwise.

The propensity for large-scale abuse was so evident that the ACC legislation should never have been enacted. Until recently, a rapist who "slipped a disc" committing the offence could claim on ACC. Why has this come about? At times it appeared that all the misguided "do gooders" and social engineers from around the world had settled in New Zealand. ACC should be terminated.