Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2005 Index 


The Dominion Post
March 2 2005

HIV trauma compo bid

A woman exposed to HIV by her boyfriend is fighting for compensation from ACC for the psychological trauma she experienced.

Her case, which could set a legal precedent affecting other potential claimants, will be heard in Wellington District Court today.

The 34-year-old woman was put at risk of contracting the disease after her partner failed to tell her he was HIV-positive. He was charged with criminal nuisance and imprisoned for nine months in 1999.

The woman, who lives in the South Island, has not contracted HIV. She has, however, been diagnosed as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of her experience.

Her lawyer John Miller, said ACC had rejected her claim for weekly compensation and assistance with counselling in 1999. "The trauma of waiting for the results, the brooding and worrying and all of that, can cause post-traumatic stress. In this particular case, the woman has fortunately been found not to be infected. But she's left with a mental injury."

Mental injuries caused by a sex crime, such as rape and assault, are covered by ACC, but criminal nuisance is not one of the sex crimes listed in the ACC schedule.