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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated April 7 2005

2005-0407 - NZ Herald - Law firm nets $8m from ACC for sex abuse victims
New April 7 2005
A Christchurch law firm that touted nationwide for business from sexual abuse victims has since won $8 million in Accident Compensation Corporation payments for its clients. In 2002, Wakefield Associates distributed one million leaflets pointing out that new ACC rules allowed victims one-off payments of up to $25,000 and ongoing sums in excess of $150,000

2005-0407 - The Press - Firm's clients get $8m from ACC
New April 7 2005
by Kamala Hayman - A Christchurch law firm that touted nationwide for business from sexual abuse victims has since won $8 million in Accident Compensation Corporation payments for its clients. In 2002, Wakefield Associates distributed one million leaflets pointing out that new ACC rules allowed victims one-off payments of up to $25,000 and ongoing sums in excess of $150,000.

2005-0406 - NZ Parliament - Responses to Questions of March 17
New April 7 2005
Questions by Katherine Rich -

3724 - How many times has ACC removed billing privileges from providers because of fraud or suspected fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000 including the present financial year to date broken down by regions.

3723 - What is the total number of complaints to professional bodies laid by ACC for provider fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions

3722 - What is the total amount spent on private investigation companies broken down by financial year since 1 July 2000, company and amount?

3721 - What is the total number successful convictions for provider fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions and any fraud categories used by ACC such as claiming for treatments and services not provided, claiming times in excess of the time spent with the claimant, over-servicing for financial gain, forged billing schedules and documents, making false statements, claiming for patients that don’t exist or other types of frauds?

3720 - What is the total number successful convictions for claimant fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions and claimant categories such as working while receiving weekly compensation without advising ACC, misrepresenting an accident or injury, misrepresenting their capacity in order to gain entitlements, making false declarations, altering documents to obtain entitlements or other types of fraud?

3719 - What is the total number of charges laid for provider fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions and any fraud categories used by ACC such as claiming for treatments and services not provided, claiming times in excess of the time spent with the claimant, over-servicing for financial gain, forged billing schedules and documents, making false statements, claiming for patients that don’t exist or other types of frauds?

3718 - What is the total number charges laid for claimant fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions and claimant categories such as working while receiving weekly compensation without advising ACC, misrepresenting an accident or injury, misrepresenting their capacity in order to gain entitlements, making false declarations, altering documents to obtain entitlements or other types of fraud?

3716 - What is the total number of investigations of claimant fraud for each financial year starting 1 July 2000, including the present financial year to date, broken down by regions and claimant categories such as working while receiving weekly compensation without advising ACC, misrepresenting an accident or injury, misrepresenting their capacity in order to gain entitlements, making false declarations, altering documents to obtain entitlements or other types of fraud?

2005-0406 - NZ Parliament - Responses to Questions of March 15
New April 7 2005
Questions by Katherine Rich -

3522 - How many claims initially accepted by ACC have been declined, year by year for the last 5 years and what was the category of claim, and the reason for the claim being declined?

3519 - What percentage of all people who go onto ACC are still on it after 6 months; after 12 months; after 2 years; after 3 years; and after 5 years?

3517 - Has ACC referred any counsellors to their professional body for investigation, if so, what date and why?

3515 - What is the breakdown of payments to Wakefield Associates for their clients, in the year to June 1 2004 and the year to date broken down by category – whether independent allowance or lump sum, and whether the claims are sensitive claims or not?

3514 - How many lump sum payments have been made under the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001, broken down by date of payment, and category of claim?

3513 - How many applications have been received by ACC for sexual abuse year by year for the last 4 years, how many of these claims were subsequently withdrawn, how many were approved and how many declined?

2005-0316 - NZ Herald - Dyson defends ACC rape case response
NZPA - ACC Minister Ruth Dyson says she is happy that ACC's decision to deny a lump-sum compensation claim made by a victim of a serial rapist was handled appropriately. National MP Katherine Rich said yesterday that the Government must investigate why ACC denied lump-sum compensation to a victim of serial rapist Akeel Hassan Abbas Al Baiiaty.

2005-0315 - National Party - Investigate ACC’s treatment of rape victim
New April 7 2005
by Katherine Rich - “It is deeply concerning that a young rape victim is reported to have received no support or advice from ACC, and the Minister should investigate,” says National Party ACC spokeswoman Katherine Rich. “ACC Minister Ruth Dyson must investigate the handling of this victim’s claim immediately.”

2005-0315 - Newstalk ZB - Gov't justifies ACC refusal
The Government is justifying ACC's refusal to grant compensation to the victim of a serial rapist. ACC Minister Ruth Dyson says the woman - who is the latest victim of Iraqi, Akeel Hassan Abbas Al Baiiaty - has received funding for medical costs to cover doctors' visits and counseling

2005-0315 - Gordon Waugh - ACC Compensation
by Gordon Waugh - ACC's refusal to pay compensation to a rape victim (Herald, Mar 15) underlines the sheer stupidity of the legislation enacted by the present Labour Government. …….ACC's deranged rules must be changed to require proof of abuse through conviction of the abuser. The woman in question would then rightfully qualify for compensation, but thousands of other undeserving claims, based on fanciful but unproven stories of abuse, would correctly be rejected

2005-0315 - NZ Herald - ACC refuses to help victim of serial rapist
by David Eames and NZPA - The latest victim of serial rapist Akeel Hassan Abbas Al Baiiaty has been denied compensation from ACC, which says she did not suffer a long-term injury ….. The latest victim, who cannot be named, applied for compensation on the basis of post-traumatic stress and anxiety problems caused by the rape. She had wanted to seek counselling with any money she received and sought a lump-sum payment, but was declined because there was no permanent injury

2005-0315 - Dominion Post - ACC declined compo to rape victim
The latest victim of serial rapist Akeel Hassan Abbas Al Baiiaty has been denied compensation from ACC, which says she did not suffer a long-term injury.

2005-0302 - Dominion Post - HIV trauma compo bid
A woman exposed to HIV by her boyfriend is fighting for compensation from ACC for the psychological trauma she experienced. Her case, which could set a legal precedent affecting other potential claimants, will be heard in Wellington District Court today. The 34-year-old woman was put at risk of contracting the disease after her partner failed to tell her he was HIV-positive.

2005-0118 - Manukau Courier - Sexual abuse centre secures new funding
New April 7 2005
by Amy Patterson - A counselling service for sexual assault victims is fully staffed after facing dire financial straits last year. Staff received redundancy notices in March when the Auckland Sexual Abuse Help service faced closure because it couldn't secure funding. But the Mt Eden based service withdrew the redundancy notices after the Government pledged funding through the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).