Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2005 Index 


NZ National Party
March 15 2005

Investigate ACC’s treatment of rape victim

By Katherine Rich, Party Spokesperson on ACC

“It is deeply concerning that a young rape victim is reported to have received no support or advice from ACC, and the Minister should investigate,” says National Party ACC spokeswoman Katherine Rich.

“ACC Minister Ruth Dyson must investigate the handling of this victim’s claim immediately.”

Mrs Rich is commenting on reports that the latest victim of serial rapist Akeel Hassan Abbas Al Baiiaty has been denied compensation from ACC, which says she did not suffer a long term injury.

“If that is the case then ACC has some big apologies to make. ACC has a specific section set up to handle this kind of case. The whole point of the Sensitive Claims Unit is to ensure that sexual abuse cases are handled sensitively.

“Based on available information I can’t see how this woman could not have qualified for ACC support.

“In the past financial year ACC paid out more than $20 million for sexual abuse.

“But it has faced justifiable criticism. In many cases it made awards for claims where there was no investigation, no physical evidence, no identified perpetrator, no charges and no convictions.

“But this case as reported is clear.

“The Minister might try to fob off questions by saying she won’t discuss individual cases, but her silence will only fuel the public outrage.

“Ruth Dyson is more than familiar with ACC’s decision-making process, there is absolutely no need for her to identify this victim publicly while giving us the details,” says Mrs Rich.

“As an absolute minimum the woman should get the counselling she seeks and reimbursement for her doctors bills’,” says Mrs Rich