Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2005 Index 


March 15 2005

ACC Compensation
Letter to the Editor
by Gordon Waugh, Whenuapai

ACC's refusal to pay compensation to a rape victim (Herald, Mar 15) underlines the sheer stupidity of the legislation enacted by the present Labour Government. The scheme is illogically based on believed-in, but unspecified mental injuries, supposedly caused by sexual abuse.

ACC annually pays millions of dollars to thousands of sexual abuse claimants and their counsellors, commonly in the absence of credible evidence of such abuse or mental injury, or conviction of the alleged attackers. Some claim permanent disability, have counselling for years, and also get huge lump-sum payments.

Here is a woman who was actually raped and suffered obvious physical injuries. Her attacker was convicted.

She cannot get lump-sum compensation, apparently because the attack occurred before the legislation took effect, and because her injuries were not considered to be permanent.

ACC's deranged rules must be changed to require proof of abuse through conviction of the abuser. The woman in question would then rightfully qualify for compensation, but thousands of other undeserving claims, based on fanciful but unproven stories of abuse, would correctly be rejected.