Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 1.    Pretrial Reports


Taranaki Daily News
March 31 2005

Indecency charges mount against doctor

Further indecency charges have been laid against a New Plymouth doctor already facing 15 counts of indecent assault and sexual violation.

The doctor, whose name is suppressed, appeared in the New Plymouth District Court in February after the multiple charges, pertaining to complaints from five of his patients, arose from an initial investigation in 2003.

Last week seven more charges of indecent assault and one of sexual violation were laid from four new complainants, all patients of his between 1983 and 2002.

One of the complainants had allegedly been assaulted or violated on five separate occasions over a period of seven years.

The new charges are alleged to have stemmed from improper conduct by the doctor while examining the complainants' breasts and genitals.

The doctor's lawyer, Harry Waalkens QC, of Auckland, assured the court in February that the charges would be vigorously defended.

Judge Louis Bidois initially suppressed all details about the defendant, but after a legal challenge from police and the Taranaki Daily News he decided it was in the public interest to allow publication of the man's profession.

Judge Bidois ruled that the doctor's name continue to be suppressed under the condition that if he was asked directly if he was the doctor involved, he must say so.

The doctor is due to appear in the New Plymouth District Court for a pre-depositions hearing on May 10.