Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

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This page last updated October 12 2006

2006-0503 - NZ Doctor - Three GPs facing sexual misconduct complaints
by Gerald Rillstone - A third GP from New Plymouth is to front up to 35 counts of sexual misconduct against him in the High Court in September this year. The doctor denies the charges. He continues to practise amid controversy over name suppression, but must not conduct any intimate examination (breast or pelvic) of a female patient, except in emergencies

2006-0420 - NZ Herald - Patients in the dark on sex-case doctor
A doctor accused of sexual offences against 10 female patients has been allowed to continue practising medicine until his trial in September. His name has been suppressed while he faces 35 counts of sexual offences, which allegedly occurred from 1981 to 2002. The New Plymouth doctor - who denies the charges - was arrested in 2004 and at first charged with 13 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual violation, the Taranaki Daily News reported

2006-0419 - Taranaki Daily News - Suppression stays on accused doc
by Jayne Hulbert -  The identity of a New Plymouth doctor facing multiple sex charges remains suppressed. A bid by the Crown and the Taranaki Daily News to have the doctor's name published has failed. In a just-released judgment, Justice Rodney Hansen said the immediate and long-term damage to the personal and professional standing of the accused, to his practice and, inevitably, financially meant that the interim name suppression should continue. "He should not have to suffer that injury in advance of trial unless, for special reasons, the public interest requires it.

2006-0315 - Taranaki Daily News - Saga of doctor's name in court again
by Jayne Hulbert - The on-going name suppression of a doctor accused of multiple sex offences was argued in the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday. Lawyers for the Taranaki Daily News and the Crown submitted that the public had the right to know the identity of the New Plymouth doctor

2005-1123 - NZ Herald - Doctor faces sex trial
A New Plymouth doctor accused of sex offences against his patients will stand trial in the High Court. The doctor is accused of sex offences against 10 female patients during the 1980s and 1990s.

2005-1123 - Newstalk ZB - Taranaki doctor on assault charges
A New Plymouth doctor will face a High Court trial, after a two day depositions hearing ended in the city yesterday. The doctor, who has name suppression, faces 22 charges from 10 female complainants dating back to the early 1980s.

2005-1123 - Dominion Post - Doctor to stand trial
A New Plymouth doctor accused of sex offences against his patients is to stand trial at the High Court, after a depositions hearing yesterday.

2005-1123 - Taranaki Daily News - NP doctor must face sex charges
by Jayne Hulbert - A New Plymouth doctor accused of multiple sex offences against his patients has been committed for trial in the High Court. The doctor has been charged with sex offences against 10 women patients during medical consultations in the 1980s and 1990s……. In court yesterday, the doctor denied 20 charges of indecent assault and two charges of sexual violation. The 10 women complainants did not appear during the hearing, but had provided written evidence to the court. That evidence alleged the women had undergone prolonged and unnecessary intimate examinations. Three witnesses for the Crown appeared at the hearing. They were independent medical expert John Drummond, the New Plymouth CIB officer in charge of the case, Detective Sergeant Debbie Gower, and the mother of one of the complainants, whose name is automatically suppressed.

2005-1122 - Taranaki Daily News - Hearing begins of doctor on sex charges
Sex allegations against a doctor were heard on the first day of a depositions hearing in the New Plymouth District Court yesterday. The New Plymouth doctor, who has name suppression, is facing charges of multiple sex offences against 10 of his female patients. The 20 indecent assaults and two sexual violations allegedly happened during medical examinations in the 1980s and 1990s.

2005-0617 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor again remanded
A New Plymouth doctor accused of sexually assaulting nine patients was again remanded when he appeared in the New Plymouth District Court yesterday.

2005-0511 - Taranaki Daily News - Sex-charge doc appears
A New Plymouth doctor accused of sexually assaulting nine patients was remanded when he appeared in the New Plymouth District Court yesterday. The doctor, whose name is suppressed, was originally charged with 15 counts of indecent assault and sexual violation involving five patients. However, in March seven more charges of indecent assault and one of sexual violation were laid from four new complainants, all of whom were patients between 1983 and 2002.

2005-0331 - Taranaki Daily News - Indecency charges mount against doctor
Further indecency charges have been laid against a New Plymouth doctor already facing 15 counts of indecent assault and sexual violation. The doctor, whose name is suppressed, appeared in the New Plymouth District Court in February after the multiple charges, pertaining to complaints from five of his patients, arose from an initial investigation in 2003. Last week seven more charges of indecent assault and one of sexual violation were laid from four new complainants, all patients of his between 1983 and 2002

2005-0304 - Taranaki Daily News - Public right to know exceeds individual's right to privacy
Editorial - A case before the courts in Taranaki, where an unnamed New Plymouth doctor has been charged with sex offences, highlights the problems of suppression. It has created suspicion about his fellow doctors and generated all sorts of rumours. The individual and his family would suffer if identified, but that is part of the price of an open justice system.

2005-0226 - Taranaki Daily News - Name suppression
by Lothar Brandt - The legal system got it wrong yet again. Here we have a Taranaki male doctor who is accused of multiple sex offences but has thus far managed to get his name suppressed

2005-0223 - Dominion Post - Doctor on sex charges
A doctor is facing charges of multiple sex offences against five female patients. The New Plymouth doctor has been charged with one count of sexual violation and 13 counts of indecent assault against the five women during medical consultations in his surgery in the 1980s and 1990s

2005-0222 - Taranaki Daily News - Taranaki doctor at centre of sex assault allegations
A New Plymouth doctor is facing multiple sex offences against five of his female patients. The doctor has been charged with one count of sexual violation and 13 counts of indecent assault against the five women during medical consultations in his surgery in the 1980s and 1990s. Both his name and occupation were suppressed during earlier court appearances in the New Plymouth District Court. The media could identify him only as a North Taranaki professional man. But following legal challenges earlier this month from the police and The Taranaki Daily News against continuing suppression, Judge Louis Bidois has decided the man's occupation, but not his name, should be made public

2004-1001 - Taranaki Daily News - Taranaki man to answer charges
A well-known Taranaki professional appeared in the New Plymouth District Court yesterday on multiple charges of sexual offending. The man, who for legal reasons cannot be identified, is charged with 13 counts of indecent assault and sexual violation.