Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Prominent cases - Index

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor)


This page last updated October 13 2006

A prominent New Plymouth doctor, Dr Hiran Fernando, was charged with 37 counts of sexual offending against 12 women patients between 1981 and 2002. 


The defence case was a denial of all charges, extensive character witnesses from patients and others, and evidence that some claims were not physically possible..


He was found guilty on 26 counts of indecent assault, to the acclaim of the complainants and some women's groups, and concern of others who consider he is innocent

Index 1 - Pretrial Reports                   from 1 Oct 2004

      Index 2 - Trial - Prosecution              from 11 Sep 2006

      Index 3 - Trial - Defence                      from 28 Sep 2006

      Index 4 - Trial - Verdict                        from 12 Oct 2006

      Index 5 - Trial - Comment                   from 14 Oct 2006

Dr Fernando (left and right); Defence Counsel Henry Waalkens (middle)