Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 2.    Trial: Prosecution


Radio New Zealand
September 11 2006; 20:41

Jurors told they'll hear similar stories of alleged sex assaults by doctor

The trial of a doctor accused of sexually assaulting patients has begun in the High Court in New Plymouth.

The doctor, whose identity is suppressed, has pleaded not guilty to 37 charges including indecently assaulting a dozen female patients.

The defence lawyer Harry Waalkens asked the jurors to consider the complainants' reliability, taking into account mental illness and psychiatric or psychological issues.

He also said the time that has passed since the alleged assaults could affect witness reliability.

The Crown says its witnesses will tell similar stories of sexual assaults escalating under the guise of intimate examinations between 1981 and 2003









Radio New Zealand
September 11 2006; 17:03

Jurors told they'll hear similar stories of alleged sex assaults by doctor

Jurors in the High Court in New Plymouth have been told they'll hear similar descriptions of a series of alleged sexual assaults on female patients by a local doctor.

The doctor, whose identity is suppressed, has pleaded not guilty to 37 charges including indecently assaulting female patients, including a girl aged between 12 and 16.

The Crown says the alleged assaults took place between 1981 and 2003.

In its opening address, the Crown said witnesses will tell the court of sexual assaults which escalated under the guise of intimate examinations.

The defence asked the jurors to keep in mind medical justifications for his client's actions, and how they might have been misinterpreted.

He also told them to consider the reliability of the complainants given the passage of time and what explanation they gave for the delay in coming forward.