Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

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This page last updated October 12 2006

2006-0927 - Stuff - Doctor trial told of intimate examinations
NZPA - Details of female anatomy and descriptions of how intimate medical examinations are carried out took up much of the day in the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday as the trial of a local doctor continues. Crown witness Ian St George was on the stand for most of the day as an expert witness in the case. A Wellington medical practitioner, Dr St George provided the jury with details of specific medical procedures conducted on women, what the procedures might be looking for and how they could be done. Dr St George is one of the final witnesses for the crown, with their case expected to conclude this morning

2006-0927 - Taranaki Daily News - Crown expert's evidence questioned
by Jayne Hulbert - Details of female anatomy and descriptions of how intimate medical examinations are carried out took up much of the day in the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday as the trial of a local doctor continues. Crown witness Ian St George was on the stand for most of the day as an expert witness in the case. A Wellington medical practitioner, Dr St George provided the jury with details of specific medical procedures conducted on women, what the procedures might be looking for and how they could be done. Dr St George is one of the final witnesses for the Crown, with its case expected to conclude this morning

2006-0926 - Stuff - No medical reason for some alleged touching - expert
NZPA - There was no medical reason for much of the alleged touching by a doctor facing 30 charges of sexual offending, a medical expert told the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday. The evidence by Crown witness Ian St George was given on the first day of the third week of the trial of the New Plymouth doctor facing 37 charges of sexual assault. Wellington-based Dr St George was taken through each of the 12 complainants' evidence by Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke

2006-0926 - Taranaki Daily News - Expert: Touching not procedure
by Jayne Hulbert -  The High Court at New Plymouth heard yesterday there was no medical reason for much of the alleged touching by the doctor on trial for sexual offending. Crown witness, medical expert Ian St George, took the stand on the first day of the third week of the trial of a New Plymouth doctor facing 37 charges of sexual assault. Wellington-based Dr St George was taken through each of the 12 complainants' evidence by Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke. He told Ms Clarke that many of the claims made by the women described events that were not consistent with medical examinations or that there was no medical justification for the doctor's actions. The doctor has denied all the charges.

2006-0921 - Taranaki Daily News - Woman tells court of doctor's 'smirk'
by Jayne Hulbert -  A woman told the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday that the doctor on trial for sex offending looked like a naughty schoolboy during a consultation she had with him. The woman was giving evidence on the eighth day of the trial and was one of the last three of the 12 complainants to be called in the case yesterday. She told Crown prosecutor Justin Marinovich she went to the doctor in 1983 because she thought she was pregnant and the doctor gave her an internal examination. The woman said that rather than a medical examination, she believed what he did was sexual.

2006-0920 - Taranaki Daily News - Witness a 'drama queen', says ex
by Sharon Marris - The High Court at New Plymouth yesterday heard from a former receptionist of the New Plymouth doctor accused of 37 sexual assault charges. The woman was the doctor's part-time receptionist from September 1992 until January 2004. The Crown witness recalled seeing one of the complainants after a consultation where the doctor is alleged to have touched her breast. "She did not seem to act or be her normal self," she said. "She was (usually) a very vital, outgoing and bubbly sort of person . . . but she was very subdued."

2006-0919 - Taranaki Daily News - Family friend: Doctor touched my breast
by Jayne Hulbert -  A woman who was a close friend of the New Plymouth doctor on trial for sexual offending says he touched her breast while giving her acupuncture for a sore hand. She told the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday that she had socialised with the doctor and his family many times and so asked him if he could help her with a repetitive strain injury to her hand. He suggested acupuncture. The woman (47) says she went to the doctor's house in 1999 to have the procedure.

2006-0916 - Taranaki Daily News - Twins witnesses in doctor sex case
by Sharon Marris - The first of two twins testifying in the case against a New Plymouth doctor told the High Court at New Plymouth that a newspaper article about the case prompted her to call police last year. She also told how she phoned her twin about the experience that same day. Under cross-examination from Harry Waalkens QC, the complainant (41) admitted sharing a very close relationship with her twin sister, who is also a complainant in the case. "I did not persuade her to do anything," the woman said, when asked how much it had been discussed. "She decided of her own accord.

2006-0915 - Taranaki Daily News - Procedure felt wrong, woman says
by Jayne Hulbert - A woman who went to a doctor for back pain and depression as a teenager told the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday the doctor touched her breasts and watched her do exercises semi-naked. The woman, now 44, is one of 12 complainants to give evidence in the High Court jury trial of a New Plymouth doctor facing multiple charges of sexual assault. All former patients, the women allege the offending took place during medical consultations between 1981 and 2002. The doctor, who has name suppression, denies the 37 charges he faces.

2006-0914 - Taranaki Daily News - Woman complained about doctor
by Jayne Hulbert - A girl wrote a letter of complaint to the Medical Council just hours after she had a consultation with the New Plymouth doctor on trial for sexual offending. Now 39, the woman was giving evidence on the third day of a High Court jury trial in New Plymouth yesterday. She is one of 12 complainants, all former patients of the doctor, who allege he sexually assaulted them during medical consultations between 1981 and 2002. He denies the 37 charges he faces

2006-0913 - Taranaki Daily News - Former patients tell of touching
by Jayne Hulbert - Two women yesterday described the fear and violation they felt during consultations they had with the New Plymouth doctor on trial for multiple sex offences. Both women were in their teens when they visited the doctor in the early 1980s. While giving evidence separately in the High Court at New Plymouth on the second day of the trial yesterday, the women both described to the jury how the doctor had stroked their breasts and touched their genitals in a way that made them feel uncomfortable. One of the women said she felt violated, while the other described feeling scared. The women are among 12 complainants, all former patients of the doctor, who will give evidence during the four week trial

2006-0912 - Stuff - Trial of doctor on 37 sex charges begins
NZPA - The trial of a New Plymouth doctor accused of sexual assaults against patients began in the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday. The doctor, whose name is suppressed, faces 37 counts of sexual offending against 12 women patients during medical consultations. The alleged offending spans about two decades from 1981 to 2002. He has denied all the charges. Yesterday, the doctor, flanked by two wardens, stared straight ahead with his hands clasped in front of him as he stood in the dock while the charges – 33 indecent assaults, three charges of sexual violation and one of indecent assault against a girl aged between 12 and 16 – were put to him by the High Court registrar.

2006-0912 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor faces sex charges
by Jayne Hulbert -  The trial of a New Plymouth doctor accused of sexual assaults against patients started yesterday, with the selection of an impartial jury the first challenge for the court. Because the High Court trial involves a high-profile doctor,12 complainants and 37 Crown witnesses, the chance of potential jurors knowing any of those involved was high. In one of the New Plymouth court's largest call for jurors, 2000 people were initially balloted for jury service. Yesterday, about 200 of them squeezed into a New Plymouth courtroom, where it took all morning to choose the six men and six women who will sit on the jury. The doctor has been charged with 37 counts of sexual offending against 12 women patients during medical consultations.

2006-0911 - Radio NZ - Jurors told they'll hear similar stories of alleged sex assaults by doctor
Jurors in the High Court in New Plymouth have been told they'll hear similar descriptions of a series of alleged sexual assaults on female patients by a local doctor. The doctor, whose identity is suppressed, has pleaded not guilty to 37 charges including indecently assaulting female patients, including a girl aged between 12 and 16

2006-0911 - Radio NZ - New Plymouth doctor denies sex charges
The New Plymouth doctor accused of sexually assaulting a dozen patients over more than 20 years has pleaded not guilty to all 37 charges

2006-0911 - Radio NZ - Three hours to choose jurors for New Plymouth doctor on sex charges
It's taken more than three hours to select a jury with no links to the case against a New Plymouth doctor accused of sexually assaulting his patients

2006-0911 - Newstalk ZB - New Plymouth doctor on sex charges
The trial of a New Plymouth doctor who faces 37 charges of indecent assault and one count of sexual violation got under way in the High Court in New Plymouth this afternoon. The charges against the family doctor cover the period from 1981 to 2002 and involve 12-female patients between the ages of 15 to 50