Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 3.    Trial: Defence


October 10 2006

Doctor a Jekyll and Hyde figure - Crown

A Jekyll and Hyde figure is one description for the New Plymouth doctor charged with sex offences, the crown told a court yesterday.

It was standing room only in the High Court at New Plymouth with both the crown and the defence giving their closing addresses in what is now the fifth week of the high profile trial. The public gallery was packed with the doctor's supporters and family members.

Today Justice John Priestley will sum up, before the jury retires to deliberate their verdicts.

Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke told the jury the trial was about an otherwise good man, doing bad things.

The doctor, whose identity is suppressed, faces 37 charges of sexual assault on 12 female patients alleged to have occurred between 1981 and 2002.

Defence counsel Susan Hughes told the jury that she would not be there if she did not believe the doctor.

However, she admitted that numbers could be seductive.

"But 12 times nothing, is nothing," Ms Hughes said.

Colleagues, family, friends and former patients had all described the doctor's good character.

"Is this man likely to act as a sexual predator? No"

She questioned why most of the women continued to see the doctor after they claim he sexually abused them.