Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

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This page last updated October 12 2006

2006-1012 - Newstalk ZB - Juror discharged in sex trial
A juror has been discharged for medical reasons in the case of the New Plymouth doctor facing sex charges.

2006-1012 - NZ Herald - GP sex case jury retires
A jury will continue its deliberations today in the trial of a New Plymouth doctor facing 37 sex charges

2006-1011 - Taranaki Daily News - Sex-case jury considers fate of NP doctor
by Lyn Humphreys - A highly-respected member of the community can still be a criminal, Justice Priestley told the jury at the end of a 4½ -week sex trial of a New Plymouth doctor. During his summing up, the judge said the six men and six women should use their collective common sense to decide on the doctor's guilt or innocence. Evidence of the doctor's good character should be considered by the jury but was not a defence against criminal activity, the judge said. "People who are active in churches and the community can still be criminals," Justice Priestley said

2006-1010 - One News - Jury considering doctor's fate
The jury has retired to consider the fate of a New Plymouth doctor who faces 37 charges of sexually offending against 12 female patients between 1981 and 2002. In summing up Justice Priestley told the jury they had been presented with two vivid and contrasting accounts of the accused. The Crown says he was a sexual predator, who had taken advantage of young and naive women. The defence argues that the accused was a highly regarded member of the community and his church, and had dedicated himself to the service of others

2006-1010 - Stuff - Doctor a Jekyll and Hyde figure - Crown
NZPA - A Jekyll and Hyde figure is one description for the New Plymouth doctor charged with sex offences, the crown told a court yesterday. It was standing room only in the High Court at New Plymouth with both the crown and the defence giving their closing addresses in what is now the fifth week of the high profile trial. The public gallery was packed with the doctor's supporters and family members. Today Justice John Priestley will sum up, before the jury retires to deliberate their verdicts

2006-1010 - Taranaki Daily News - Standing room only for final addresses
jjjj A Jekyll and Hyde figure is one description fitting for the New Plymouth doctor charged with sex offences, according to the Crown. It was standing room only in the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday with both the Crown and the defence giving their closing addresses in the fifth week of the high-profile trial. The public gallery was packed with the doctor's supporters and family members. Today Justice Priestley will sum up, before the jury considers its verdicts. Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke told the jury the trial was about an otherwise good man doing bad things. The doctor, whose identity is suppressed, faces 37 charges of sexual assault on 12 female patients alleged to have occurred between 1981 and 2002.

2006-1009 - Newstalk ZB - Sex trial of doctor draws to a close
The trial of a New Plymouth doctor facing 37 sex charges involving 12 female patients between 1981 and 2002, is drawing to a close. Defence lawyer Susan Hughes told the court when she took the case and heard there were 12 complainants she thought she had been given a hospital pass. However, after meeting the doctor, hearing his explanations and listening to numerous character witnesses, she says she was confident of his innocence

2006-1006 - Taranaki Daily News - Witnesses say doctor caring, trustworthy
THE defence has finished calling witnesses in the trial of a New Plymouth doctor accused of sexual assaults against patients. Nine witnesses, including patients of the doctor, took the stand at the High Court in New Plymouth yesterday. They gave character testimonies and said he was trustworthy, caring and a good listener. Some have been patients of the doctor, who has name suppression, for more than 20 years.

2006-1005 - Taranaki Daily News - Colleagues, priest, friends praise accused doc
jjjj Witnesses in the High Court trial of a New Plymouth doctor gave testimony about his character, faith and values yesterday.Catholic priest Thomas Lawn described the doctor as a committed family man and said his reputation as a doctor was of an honourable man who was always available and helpful to his patients. "I believe he is a very honest man," Father Lawn told defence counsel Susan Hughes. "He always appeared to be a very good family man, very faithful to his wife and there for his family." The doctor, whose name is suppressed, is on trial for sex offences against female patients between 1981 and 2002. The doctor has denied the 37 charges made against him by 12 complainants.

2006-1004 - Taranaki Daily News - Sex-case doctor's wife, daughter on stand
by Sharon Marris - The wife of the doctor facing 37 charges of sexual assault told the High Court at New Plymouth that she was standing by her man. The woman took the witness stand late in the morning of the defence case, expected to conclude on Friday. She spoke of her husband's mannerisms: "He tends to purse his lips, like so," she said, demonstrating for the jury and packed public gallery. "He tends to enlarge his eyes when he is concentrating on something."

2006-1003 - Radio NZ - Top GP tells sex-assault trial patients can misinterpret internal examinations
A leading GP has told the High Court that women - especially young patients - can easily misinterpret internal examinations  Lawyers for the new Plymouth doctor charged with sexually assaulting a dozen patients have called Dr Harry Marshall, who is a GP of 40 years. He is also an honorary associate professor at Auckland's medical school and a former Medical Association president

2006-1003 - Taranaki Daily News - Patients mistaken, doctor tells court
jjjj The patients alleging sexual abuse by their New Plymouth doctor were all mistaken, the accused told the High Court yesterday. Rather than labelling all the 12 women complainants liars, the doctor told the court they were mostly mistaken or misunderstood what was happening during their consultations. The doctor, whose name is suppressed, was being cross-examined by Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke on the first day of the fourth week of the trial. He has denied 37 charges of sexual assault, alleged to have occurred between 1981 and 2002. Ms Clarke took the doctor through each complainant's evidence.

2006-0930 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor details examination process
by Sharon Marris - A packed public gallery watched as the doctor accused of 37 sexual assaults on his patients measured 81cm from the floor of the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday. The doctor, whose name is suppressed, had said in court on Thursday that there was 81cm from the floor to the top of the surgery bed where a complainant said she lay while his erect penis rubbed against her. He had also claimed that the measurement from the floor to his groin was 75cm. But yesterday, Crown prosecutor Cherie Clarke said: "Your penis is at the same point as she would have been lying on your bed." Discussion then ensued about whether erect penises pointed up or down before the judge conceded there was little research on the topic and broke for afternoon tea.

2006-0928 - Stuff - Doctor says sexual assault allegations entirely untrue
NZPA - The doctor on trial for sex offending against his patients told the High Court at New Plymouth yesterday the allegations were entirely untrue. The doctor faces 37 charges of sexual assault against 12 women. He has denied the offending which is alleged to have happened between 1981 and 2002. Earlier three of the complainants told the court they felt the doctor push groin area against their body, including times when they lay on his examination table. The doctor, who denies the incidents occurred, provided evidence that the height of his table was 81cm and the measurement from the floor to his groin was 75cm.

2006-0928 - Taranaki Daily News - Touching part of job, accused doctor says
jjjj The New Plymouth doctor on trial for sex offending against his patients took the stand in the High Court yesterday. After more than two weeks watching others give evidence for the Crown, its was the doctor's turn in the witness box. In front of a crowd of supporters in the public gallery, the doctor was the first witness called by the defence yesterday. In his opening address to the jury, defence counsel Harry Waalkens QC said the doctor did not have to give evidence as it was up to the Crown to prove each charge, but he wanted to.