Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 4.    Trial: Verdict


One News
October 12 2006

Doctor guilty of 26 sex assault charges
Source: Newstalk ZB/One News

There were emotional scenes at New Plymouth High Court on Thursday afternoon as a doctor was found guilty of 26 counts of sexual assault.

Fifty-eight-year-old Sri Lankan, Hiran Fernando, was facing 37 charges of sexually offending against 12 female patients between 1981 and 2002.

The women say they became victims of a man described by prosecutors as a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Following a month long trial, it took the jury of six men and six women over two and a half days to reach their decision. They found Fernando guilty on 26 charges of indecent assault, and not guilty on eight similar charges as well as not guilty on three sexual violation charges. Three of the jurors openly wept as the verdict was delivered.

Up until his trial, Fernando had still been practising but only with a chaperone in attendance when he was examining women and children.

The Crown said the doctor's victims were young and naive, and he used them for his own sexual gratification.

Prosecutors claimed he performed intimate vaginal and breast examinations with no medical reason, pressed himself against the women's bodies, didn't use gloves for procedures like smears and asked unnecessary questions about their sex lives.

The doctor's lawyer argued the patients had misunderstood what were in fact standard medical procedures, and the accused was a man of good character who flatly denied pressing himself against any of the women.

Fernando was known to many as an upstanding citizen and won a number of community awards, including the New Plymouth District Council's citizen's award.

The guilty verdicts have been applauded by women's health advocates.

Fernando will be sentenced in one months time.