Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

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This page last updated October 21 2006

2006-1013 - Newstalk ZB 17:08 - Disbelief doctor can keep practicing
There is disbelief in New Plymouth that a doctor found guilty of indecently assaulting 26 female patients can keep practicing. A jury yesterday found Dr Hiran Fernando indecently assaulted female patients between 1981 and 2002. He has been able to keep treating patients while the allegations have been swirling around and the Medical Council is only now advising him not to continue working as he awaits sentencing.

2006-1013 - RadioNZ 12:02 - Medical Council says it took sufficient steps
The Medical Council says it took sufficient steps to protect the public from a New Plymouth doctor, convicted of sex offences against 10 women yesterday…..Lorraine Jans, a sexual abuse counsellor in New Plymouth says given the council received other complaints about Fernando in the 1980s, it should have immediately suspended him when criminal charges were brought against him early last year

2006-1013 - Stuff - Disgraced doctor was investigated in 1980s
NZPA - The Medical Council investigated disgraced New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando twice in the 1980s for alleged sexual offending, but the complaints were dismissed. Fernando, 58, was yesterday found guilty in the High Court at New Plymouth on 26 counts of indecently assaulting women between 1981 and 2002.

2006-1013 - Taranaki Daily News - Family, supporters 'surprised' by verdict
by Lyn Humphreys - No one in Hiran Fernando's family or his large group of supporters ever believed the jury would find him guilty, a close friend says. "It's all very sad," Raj Fernando said on leaving the High Court in New Plymouth yesterday afternoon. The family and all his supporters had been devastated by the guilty verdicts, he said. "It is not the verdict we expected. We are all very, very surprised. "I am devastated like everybody else," he said

2006-1013 - Taranaki Daily News - Fall from grace
Hiran Fernando's conviction yesterday was a fall from grace for a doctor who had a high profile in the community for a number of years. His high profile became apparent last month when the jury was selected for his High Court trial. In what was one of the New Plymouth court's largest call for jurors, 2000 people were initially balloted for jury service.

2006-1013 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor found guilty of sex charges
by Jayne Hulbert - Prominent New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando held his head in his hands in disbelief after being convicted of sex offending against former patients. In the High Court yesterday afternoon, Fernando (58) was found guilty of 26 of the 34 indecent assault charges he faced. The jury, which had been considering its verdicts since noon on Tuesday, found the doctor not guilty of eight similar charges and of three charges of sexual violation. The charges spanned from 1981 to 2002. As each of the verdicts were read the doctor, whose full name is Theomal Hirantha (Hiran) Joseph Fernando, looked stunned. Once the jury left the courtroom, Fernando and his family broke down.

2006-1013 - NZ Herald - Doctor convicted of sex charges to be barred from working
NZPA - The Medical Council will today order the New Plymouth doctor convicted of sex offences against 10 female patients to stop working immediately. Hiran Fernando, 58, was yesterday found guilty on 26 counts of indecently assaulting women between 1981 and 2002. The Medical Council said it would this morning advise Fernando's lawyers that he was under investigation and should not return to work. If he ignored the advice, the council could quickly move to suspend him, even before any move to deregister him which could take some months.

2006-1013 - The Press - Sex conviction
New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando held his head in his hands in disbelief after being convicted of sex offending against former patients yesterday. In the High Court, Fernando, 58, was found guilty of 26 of the 34 indecent assault charges

2006-1013 - Newstalk ZB 06:28- Doctor guilty of sexual assault a "model citizen"
A New Plymouth doctor who has been found guilty of sexually assaulting female patients, had won awards for being a good citizen. Fifty-eight-year-old Hiran Fernando has been convicted of 26 charges of indecent assault. He was acquitted on 11 charges…………Crown Solicitor Tim Brewer says it is an especially tragic case as Fernando was awarded the New Plymouth District Council's Citizens Award in 2003. He is also the recipient of the highest Rotary award and is the founder of the Taranaki Multi-Ethnic Extravangaza which attracts more than 10,000 people to the city every year

2006-1013 - RadioNZ 05:24 - Medical Council orders convicted GP to cease work
The Medical Council is ordering a New Plymouth doctor who indecently assaulted 10 patients to cease practising immediately…… The Medical Council will this morning advise his lawyers he's under investigation and shouldn't return to work. If he ignores that, the Council says he can be quickly suspended, even before any move to de-register him.

2006-1013 - Radio NZ 04:00 - St John to check that sex-convict doctor didn't abuse volunteers
The St John organisation says it will move quickly to check that the New Plymouth GP who indecently assaulted patients did not abuse any of its first aid volunteers…..For 16 years from 1984 Fernando was St John's New Plymouth divisional surgeon, lecturing volunteers and checking their clinical skills. St John's central region operations manager, Grant Pennycook, says the convictions raise questions about the doctor's behaviour with younger members

2006-1012 - Radio NZ - Lawyer says sex-assault doctor and family gutted by guilty verdicts
The lawyer for the New Plymouth doctor who sexually assaulted ten women patients says Dr Hiran Fernando and his family feel gutted by his conviction……………. His lead counsel Harry Waalkens QC says the doctor is very disappointed and extremely surprised at the result - but that it's too early to consider an appeal.

2006-1012 - Radio NZ - Detective says women abused by doctor rapt with conviction
The detective who headed the case against the New Plymouth doctor who indecently assaulted ten women patients says they're very pleased he's been convicted…… Detective Sergeant Debbie Gower says each of the 12 women are likely to react differently. Debbie Gower says even those women whose complaints the jury rejected are pleased with the successful convictions

2006-1012 - One News - Doctor guilty of 26 sex assault charges
There were emotional scenes at New Plymouth High Court on Thursday afternoon as a doctor was found guilty of 26 counts of sexual assault…..Following a month long trial, it took the jury of six men and six women over two and a half days to reach their decision. They found Fernando guilty on 26 charges of indecent assault, and not guilty on eight similar charges as well as not guilty on three sexual violation charges. Three of the jurors openly wept as the verdict was delivered

2006-1012 - Stuff - Doctor guilty of sexual offences against patients
New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando has been found guilty of 26 charges involving sexual abuse of his patients. The jury returned with its verdicts at 3pm after deliberating since midday Tuesday. Judge John Priestley lifted the suppression order on Fernando's name, which had been imposed when he was charged early last year. Fernando has been released on bail until his sentencing.

2006-1012 - NZ Herald - Doctor found guilty of 26 sex charges
NZPA - New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando has been found guilty of 26 charges involving sexual abuse of his patients. The jury in the High Court in New Plymouth returned with its verdicts at 3pm today after deliberating since midday Tuesday…… The doctor faced 34 charges of indecent assault and three of sexual violation against 12 female patients. The charges span a 21-year period from 1981. The jury acquitted him on the three sexual violation charges. Fernando's trial lasted one day short of five weeks. During the trial, complainants told of the doctor playing with their nipples, giving unnecessary vaginal examinations and asking questions about their sex lives.

2006-1012 - Newstalk ZB - Emotional scenes at guilty verdict
There have been emotional scenes at the High Court in New Plymouth this afternoon as a doctor was found guilty of 26 counts of sexual assault. Fifty-eight-year-old Sri Lankan, Hiran Fernando was facing 37 charges of sexual offending against 12 female patients between 1981 and 2002. The jury had been deliberating since midday on Tuesday. Three of the jurors openly wept as the verdict was delivered

2006-1012 - Newstalk ZB - Guilty verdict in sex case
A High Court jury has found a New Plymouth doctor guilty on 26 sex charges. The doctor was facing 37 charges of sexually offending against 12 female patients between 1981 and 2002.