Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 4.    Trial: Verdict


Radio New Zealand
October 12 2006; 18:51

Lawyer says sex-assault doctor and family gutted by guilty verdicts

The lawyer for the New Plymouth doctor who sexually assaulted ten women patients says Dr Hiran Fernando and his family feel gutted by his conviction.

Fernando was this afternoon found guilty of 26 counts of indecent assault between 1981 and 2002 after a five-week trial.

After three days of deliberation the jury found the 58-year old GP not guilty on 11 other counts - including accusations by two other women and the three most serious charges of sexual violation.

His lead counsel Harry Waalkens QC says the doctor is very disappointed and extremely surprised at the result - but that it's too early to consider an appeal.

Mr Waalkens asked for a report on emotional harm reparation for the victims - the judge ordered that it be prepared for sentencing in five weeks