Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 4.    Trial: Verdict


October 12 2006

Doctor guilty of sexual offences against patients

New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando has been found guilty of 26 charges involving sexual abuse of his patients.

The jury returned with its verdicts at 3pm after deliberating since midday Tuesday.

Judge John Priestley lifted the suppression order on Fernando's name, which had been imposed when he was charged early last year. Fernando has been released on bail until his sentencing.

The doctor faced 34 charges of indecent assault and three of sexual violation against 12 female patients. The charges span a 21-year period from 1981.

Fernando's trial, in the High Court at New Plymouth, lasted one day short of five weeks.

During the trial, complainants told of the doctor playing with their nipples, giving unnecessary vaginal examinations and asking questions about their sex lives.

In his own evidence, the doctor told the court he had legitimate reasons for the examinations and his actions must have been misunderstood.