Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 4.    Trial: Verdict


Radio New Zealand
October 13 2006; 04:00

St John to check that sex-convict doctor didn't abuse volunteers

The St John organisation says it will move quickly to check that the New Plymouth GP who indecently assaulted patients did not abuse any of its first aid volunteers.

Dr Hiran Fernando was yesterday convicted on 26 counts of assaulting mostly teenaged women between 1981 and 2002.

For 16 years from 1984 Fernando was St John's New Plymouth divisional surgeon, lecturing volunteers and checking their clinical skills.

St John's central region operations manager, Grant Pennycook, says the convictions raise questions about the doctor's behaviour with younger members.

Grant Pennycook says no changes are needed to St John's vetting procedures, which already include police background checks.