Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 5.    Trial: Comments


Taranaki Daily News
October 17 2006

Doctor Fernando is not a victim
Letter to the Editor
by G Madden, Taumaranui

Unless the evidence is wrong, the victims are wrong and the jury got it wrong, Dr Hiran Fernando's family and supporters should not be "sad" at the guilty verdict -- they should be extremely mad that he lied to them as well.

"It's not the verdict we expected," one of his supporters said. Do they honestly really know this man like they thought they did? Obviously not.

Stop acting as though Dr Fernando is the victim. Show your support to his family, or to the victims whose trust he abused, but scratch him off your Christmas card list.

I don't know him or any of his victims, but if he did what he has been found guilty of, he should stop the lies and start the healing process with a confession.

If they got it wrong, take a lie detector test, I don't know much about them, but I'd be doing all I could if I was innocent and in his shoes.