Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

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This page last updated December 15 2006

2006-1215 - Stuff - Disgraced doctor to appeal sex convictions
Disgraced New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando, jailed for sex offending against his patients, is to appeal his conviction. Fernando has continually denied his offending and at the time of his sentencing his lawyers said he would be appealing the conviction.

2006-1215 - Taranaki Daily News - Fernando lodges appeal
by Jayne Hulbert - Disgraced New Plymouth doctor Hiran Fernando, jailed last month for sex offending against his patients, has lodged an appeal against his conviction. Fernando (58) has spent the past month behind bars after he was sentenced to three years and two months' prison on 26 charges of indecently assaulting 10 women patients.

2006-1021 - Newstalk ZB - GP likely to be suspended next week
Suspension seems likely for a New Plymouth doctor who committed sexual offences against his patients……The day after the verdict the Medical Council wrote to the doctor, advising him not to continue practising. Hiran Fernando had a week to respond before the Council could formally suspend him

2006-1021 - Taranaki Daily News - Disgraced doctor may be stripped of council award
by Sam Lindsay - Convicted sex offender Hiran Fernando may be stripped of his citizen's award. The New Plymouth District Council is yet to decide if the disgraced doctor will lose the award he received in 2003 for promoting multi-culturalism…… Citizens' awards are given for work done outside the nominee's profession.

2006-1020 - Taranaki Daily News - Fernando
by Heather Ross - I have known Hiran Fernando on a professional basis as a nurse-manager of a rest home and hospital complex. …..Residents and staff respected him at all times, as he, in turn, conducted himself in a warm, friendly and strictly professional manner.

2006-1019 - Taranaki Daily News - Respect
by Sue Lester - For 20 years, I have been a patient of Dr Hiran Fernando. Contrary to the outcome of his trial, I still totally believe in his innocence and will continue to be a patient of his, should the Medical Council agree to let him continue in the medical profession.

2006-1019 - Taranaki Daily News - Media coverage
by Shirley and John Murphy - As readers of the Taranaki Daily News for more than 70 years, we are disgusted at the coverage of the Fernando investigation and subsequent trial. For some months, your editorial staff sought to have name suppression lifted, despite the fact that in New Zealand an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. For what purpose?

2006-1019 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor's trial
by Lesley Pitt - Hiran Fernando has made a huge contribution to the community and done many good things. That stands no matter what. But Dr Fernando has abused his position of trust and committed sex offences. The two are not connected.

2006-1017 - Taranaki Daily News - No surprise
by Andrea Needham - The conviction of Dr Fernando came as no surprise to many of us in New Plymouth, however, there were some surprises in this case for me. The first was that the deputy mayor of the NPDC stood up and gave a character reference for a doctor who is now a convicted sexual offender. How do you know how your friend acts in his/her workplace during one-on-one interactions? You simply cannot know.

2006-1017 - Taranaki Daily News - Misunderstood?
by Molly Hassan - I'm a patient of Dr Fernando and found him to be caring and dedicated. I wonder if his accusers misunderstood his actions. I had a smear performed by another doctor, who was also alone. Do I sue for sexual misconduct because he touched my private parts to perform my test? No, unless I have no clue what a smear test involves or unless I want to ruin him.

2006-1017 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor Fernando is not a victim
by G Madden - Unless the evidence is wrong, the victims are wrong and the jury got it wrong, Dr Hiran Fernando's family and supporters should not be "sad" at the guilty verdict -- they should be extremely mad that he lied to them as well.

2006-1017 - Taranaki Daily News - Accountable
by David Younger - I am a support person for one of the complainants in the Fernando trial. Father Lawn stated "does this system create a better society?"  Where a person in a position of trust sexually abuses many people over a long period of time and refuses to be accountable for this, there is no other legal recourse available

2006-1014 - Waikato Times - Council speaks out on doctor
The New Zealand Medical Council has admitted it may have put women patients at risk by not suspending convicted sex abuser and New Plymouth GP Hiran Fernando earlier. It is now reviewing whether it took the right actions when women first complained in the 1980s and when the latest 37 charges of sexual assault were first filed by police in court.

2006-1014 - Sunday Star Times - Sex doc's victims say there must be others
by Tony Wall - Two of the women indecently assaulted by disgraced New Plymouth GP Hiran Fernando believe there are other victims yet to come forward and blame the Medical Council for his 20-year spree of abuse. The Medical Council has admitted it may have put women patients at risk by not suspending Fernando earlier.

2006-1014 - Newstalk ZB - Doctor advised not to continue practicing
The Medical Council has formally advised a New Plymouth doctor found guilty of indecently assaulting patients, not to continue practicing. ……Medical Council chief Philip Pagou says the Council is required to allow the doctor to respond with a submission, before they can decide whether to suspend him

2006-1014 - Taranaki Daily News - Patient risk conceded by medical body
by Lyn Humphreys - Patients at risk by not suspending convicted sex abuser, New Plymouth GP Hiran Fernando, earlier. It is now reviewing whether it took the right actions when women first complained in the 1980s and when the latest 37 charges of sexual assault were first filed by police in court. Safer Centre spokeswoman Lorraine Jans, a New Plymouth sexual abuse counsellor, said the Medical Council was wrong in protecting Fernando and allowing him to continue to practice.

2006-1014 - Taranaki Daily News - Doctor's victim vindicated -20 years on
by Jayne Hulbert - One of Hiran Fernando's victims is devastated the Medical Council did not take her seriously when she made a complaint about him more than 20 years ago. The woman, who cannot be identified, told the Taranaki Daily News yesterday that if the council had listened to her, maybe other women would have been spared the doctor's abuse.