Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 5.    Trial: Comments


Taranaki Daily News
October 17 2006

Letter to the Editor
by Molly Hassan

I'm a patient of Dr Fernando and found him to be caring and dedicated. I wonder if his accusers misunderstood his actions.

I had a smear performed by another doctor, who was also alone. Do I sue for sexual misconduct because he touched my private parts to perform my test? No, unless I have no clue what a smear test involves or unless I want to ruin him.

Accusers mentioned the smile he had when he examined them? I believe this to be misunderstood. I noticed this so-called "smile" when he writes out my prescriptions -- it's a nerve that twitches on the side of his mouth.

Six years ago, I told Dr Fernando about my father's chronic arthritis. He gave me Panadols with instructions for my Mum to keep his gangrene clean. My father passed away in Tokelau last year aged 82. I'm always grateful for Dr Fernando's kindness. He and Pretheeva sent their condolences.

These were the actions of a considerate, kind man, doctor and friend. He has empathy. My partner and I still have confidence in him as our physician. I am appealing to his patients with similar experiences to write letters of support.