Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 5.    Trial: Comments


Taranaki Daily News
October 19 2006

Doctor's trial
Letter to the Editor
by Lesley Pitt, New Plymouth

Hiran Fernando has made a huge contribution to the community and done many good things. That stands no matter what. But Dr Fernando has abused his position of trust and committed sex offences. The two are not connected.

I was stunned at the extent to which the defence argued, because he was a good and powerful man, he couldn't do such things. People offend all the time who also do good things: one doesn't change or minimise the other.

Dr Fernando's offending has resulted in many secondary victims, like his family, his friends, his colleagues, those who investigated his crimes and the community. They all deserve our empathy, particularly his wife and children.

But Dr Fernando did not commit victimless crimes. This letter is in response to your front-page spread (October 13), which focused on Dr Fernando and didn't mention the victims until comments were obtained from the crown prosecutor.

What of his victims? How did they feel when they were betrayed by a health professional? Did they feel ashamed and confused? What was it like to have to tell a courtroom about a humiliating experience and expose your secrets to strangers -- only to be discredited by the defence counsel?

How does it feel to have high-profile community members say what happened didn't because they like and respect the offender?

It seems a tragedy that the 12 women who suffered as a result of Dr Fernando's abuse seem forgotten among the community's bewilderment that such a good family man could do such things.