Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

Dr Hiran Fernando (N.P. Doctor) - Index

Index 5.    Trial: Comments


Taranaki Daily News
October 19 2006

Media coverage
Letter to the Editor
by Shirley and John Murphy, New Plymouth

As readers of the Taranaki Daily News for more than 70 years, we are disgusted at the coverage of the Fernando investigation and subsequent trial.

For some months, your editorial staff sought to have name suppression lifted, despite the fact that in New Zealand an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. For what purpose? The doctor's identity was common knowledge. Anyone who wanted to know could find out.

The jury has now made its decision. The matter is in the hands of the justice system and we will know the result in due course. Isn't that enough? Seemingly not. Your editorial staff seems committed to sensationalising the case with banner headlines that seek to punish and damage not only Dr Fernando but his wife and family.

We are certain the victims themselves did not wish to see the graphic details of their testimony splashed all over the front page of the paper.

We have never been patients of Dr Fernando, nor are we in the situation of being close friends. However, we have been involved in musical activities with his wife and daughters on numerous occasions and have witnessed a close-knit and friendly family. They do not deserve this treatment.

A friend commented that the true facts of this case rest with Hiran and God. That is where the ultimate judgment lies.