Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2003

Otago Daily Times
March 8, 2003

Teenager's rape complaint proves false
by Lea Stewart

After putting in more than 300 hours, at a cost of about $21,000, Dunedin police have closed a rape inquiry after the alleged victim changed her story.

The investigation was launched early last Sunday after a 13-year-old girl reported she had been dragged from a party in Westgate Rd, and raped by at least three people.

She was found in long grass near the party by a relative about 12.30pm.

Yesterday, Detective Sergeant Greg Dunne, of Dunedin, said the girl had withdrawn her complaint.

"She has told us events didn't occur the way she initially indicated."

A team of eight police have spent the week working through a list of 260 teenagers who attended the party.

The girl had given police a description of her "attackers" and Det Sgt Dunne said his suspicions on the authenticity of the report were raised when inquiries were not shedding any light on the case.

"We should have been getting a better response after talking to the number [about 200] of people we had."

Although pleased such an incident had not actually taken place, Det Sgt Dunne admitted false complaints were frustrating for police.

Police resources had been stretched this week as detectives investigated the rape report plus a double stabbing in the inner city and an aggravated robbery of a George St dairy, both of which also happened at the weekend.

"It can be frustrating in that there a number of other priority cases that we could have been working on."

People can be charged for laying a false complaint, but Det Sgt Dunne said as the person involved in this incident was 13 years old, she would be referred to the police youth aid section instead.

Det Sgt Dunne thanked all those who had co-operated with police during the week.

"We had terrific co-operation from the secondary schools and many of the parents."

He also commended the honesty and assistance of some of the 260 party-goers.

"This enabled police to more quickly reconstruct the events of the night."

The party was initially intended for 30 invited guests, but swelled to about 260.