Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index   


News Reports - NZ Cases 2003
False allegations primarily of sexual abuse, but also including other bizarre claims. A number of reports are of unproven cases, or cases where a convicted person still protests his innocence

This page last updated Jan 6 2005

Woman – December – Kaikohe
Police charge woman after false complaints of kidnap and rape. Police detective Matt King said he is frustrated at the volume of false complaints being laid by individuals for frivolous reasons.
2003-1216 - Northern News - Police charge woman after false complaints of kidnap and rape

34-year-old woman – November – Mosgiel
A woman who gambled all her rent money, so made up a story of being robbed and sexually violated, was convicted and fined
2003-1111 - Otago Daily Times - Fined for false claim

32-year-old woman – October – Dunedin
Woman tourist from United States told police she was abducted from the city and raped. She admitted that her complaint was untrue. She had claimed that a vehicle pulled in behind her, the male driver grabbed her, blindfolded her, and raped in the vehicle, and held captive. 
2003-1025 - NZ Herald - False rape claims worry police
2003-1023 - Stuff - Rape case a false alarm - police
2003-1020 - Otago Daily Times - US tourist abducted and raped
2003-1108 - Stuff - False rape complaint ends in donation to victim support
2003-1108 - Otago Daily Times - Woman who falsified rape claim convicted

16-year-old girl – October – Kawakawa
Girl told police that she was grabbed by two men, beaten and stabbed up to 30 times by a pen-type instrument while walking to school. The said the girl's allegations turned out to be false. 
2003-1022 - Northern Advocate - Teenager alleged to have made false stabbing complaint

12-year-old girl – October – New Plymouth
CIB Detective said recently a 12-year-old girl admitted making a false rape complaint only after two police officers had spent a week investigating the allegation..
2003-1013 - Daily News - Rise in false rape complaints

19-year-old woman – October – Hamilton
Woman charged with making a false rape complaint. She had shared a taxi journey, got into an argument about the bill and the woman walked away. Police say that moments later she began talking to four men in another car. She told them she had been raped by the passenger in the taxi. Two men from the car then attacked the man, hitting him in the face twice with an iron bar. The facial wound required several stitches.
2003-1003 - Waikato Times - False rape charge to be heard  

30+ year old woman – September – Taranaki
Woman accused man of rape 13 years ago. The man was acquitted.
2003-0912 - Daily News - Not guilty verdict in affair-rape case

14-year-old girl – July – Levin
Girl accused father of rape. The father was acquitted after defence counsel spoke of a "fundamental flaw" in the prosecution. The complainant's mother's testimony that the family had been living away from Levin when the second rape took place was at variance from that of the girl, who said she had been living in Levin at the time. The mother's evidence meant the second charge "simply cannot stand". The girl must have been lying, he said. 
2003-0731 - Evening Standard - Man found not guilty of rape

5-year-old girl – July – Wellington
Two women were aged five and seven in 1988 and living with their widower father when the younger told a friend her father had sexually abused her. The friend told her mother who then contacted the authorities, which had the girls interviewed by a psychologist. A social worker then got a court order to remove the children from their father. In 2003 the women have won Privy Council backing to sue the social worker and a psychologist for being removed them from their father after the false allegations of sexual abuse.
2003-0728 - Dominion Post - Women can sue, Privy Council says

32-year-old woman – July – Napier
Woman claimed balaclava-clad men broke into her home and cut her across the chest with a knife. She later admitted she caused the cuts herself. 
2003-0705 - Otago Daily Times - Reparation ordered over false complaint

24-year-old woman – July – Palmerston North
Woman remanded in custody to appear in Court on a charge of laying a false complaint. The woman, who was found lying semi-conscious at the walkway entrance to the Esplanade on Tuesday night, was interviewed by police about an allegation of assault.
2003-0705 - Dominion Post - False claim alleged
2003-0703 - Evening Standard - Police charge complainant
2003-0703 - Dominion Post - False complaint

34-year-old man – July – Christchurch
Man is one of 18 former boys from Marylands School who made sexual allegations against Bernard Kevin McGrath, a former brother facing 32 sex charges. He alleged he had been sexually abused by brothers while living at Marylands. He poured out his soul and shed tears alongside the other men at support meetings.   He admitted lying about being abused at Marylands, to get money from St John of God. He said that the worst thing that actually happened was that he got homesick occasionally. He was charged with making a false complaint and obtaining a $95,000 "pastoral gesture" from St John of God by a false pretence. 
2003-0805 - The Press - Reports may have affected trial
2003-0722 - The Press - Case waits on police files disclosure
2003-0704 - The Press - Bogus sex-complainant in hiding
2003-0703 - Otago Daily Times - Alleged sex-abuse victim charged
2003-0703 - NZ Herald - New twist in sex case
2003-0703 - The Press - Complainant admits lie

11-year-old girl – May – Nelson
Girl falsely claimed a man tried to abduct her on the way to school. Police asked for the public's help on Monday after the girl reported she was walking when the man pulled up in a vehicle beside her. She said the man opened the passenger door and tried to pull her inside the car, grabbing her left forearm and jersey, but she was able to break free and run away. Detective Pat Nally said he had received a call from the family today telling him the girl's story was untrue.
2003-0522 - Nelson Mail - Girl's abduction claim false

16-year-old girl – May – Motueka
Girl claimed she had been raped by two men over the weekend. She claimed she had been dragged into bushes by two men near a skating rink; one of the men had stripped her naked and held her down while the other man raped her. After being reinterviewed by police she admitted she had made up the story. 
2003-0522 - Nelson Mail - Girl's abduction claim false
2003-0521 - Nelson Mail - Police seek $3000 over teen's false rape claim

18-year-old woman – April – Porirua
Woman told police a former Olympic boxer had repeatedly raped her since she was a child, as well as sodomising her. Police withdrew charges after it was discovered the 18-year-old had falsely accused someone else in 1999. The Police said the supposed victim had made a convincing case before changing her story. The judge dismissed charges of indecent assault, rape and unlawful sexual connection. The accused had spent more than two months in prison accused by his young female relative. His defence lawyer said the impact of the false allegations had been enormous.   Rape Crisis responded to reports of the false complaint with outrage of "bias", 
2003-0424 - Dominion Post - Rape Crisis responds
2003-0414 - Dominion Post - Fiso's false accuser convincing say police
2003-0409 - Dominion Post - Falsely accused man walks free

22-year-old woman – March – Mosgiel
Woman arrested and charged with making a false complaint, after claiming she was sexually assaulted in the town on Monday night. As a result of inquiries, the woman was arrested yesterday. 
2003-0320 - Otago Daily Times - FalseComplaintChargeLaid.htm

35-year-old woman – March – Tauranga
Woman arrested for false complaint. She claimed a man had stepped in front of her car when she was driving to work shortly before 10pm. As she stopped, two other men wrenched open the door and threatened her with a knife. 
2003-0320 - NZ Herald - Third arrest for false complaint

36-year-old woman – March – Tauranga
Woman charged with false complaint. She had reported being grabbed from behind in the hospital carpark.
2003-0320 - NZ Herald - Third arrest for false complaint
2003-0318 - Dominion Post - NurseCharged, 
2003-0317 - NZ Herald - Nurse charged with 'false complaint'

42-year-old woman – March – Gate Pa
Woman arrested for false complaint. She has been accused of lying about a late-night assault on her doorstep. 
2003-0320 - NZ Herald - Third arrest for false complaint
2003-0317 - NZ Herald - Nurse charged with 'false complaint'

20-year-old woman – March – Christchurch
Australian woman admitted the charge of making a false rape complaint to a Lyttelton policeman. Since her arrival in New Zealand in December to join her parents, who now live here, the woman had made allegations of sexual assaults to various agencies, including the police. She was fined $750.00  
2003-0308 - The Press - Rape complaint false

13-year-old girl – March – Dunedin
Girl initially reported to police she had been dragged from a party in Westgate Rd, and raped by at least three people. . The girl later withdrew her complaint, saying the events didn't occur the way she initially indicated. Because of her age she was referred to the police youth aid section. 
2003-0308 - Otago Daily Times - Teenager's rape complaint proves false

16-year-old girl – January – Nelson
Girl complained she had been sexually violated after becoming separated from her friends after New Year's Eve. The girl was later interviewed and the rape complaint withdrawn. The girl was would not be charged with making a false complaint .
2003-0108 - Nelson Mail - Police close rape inquiry , 
2003-0108 - Marlborough Express - No charges after rape complaint, say police