Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2003

The Nelson Mail
May 21, 2003

Police seek $3000 over teen's false rape claim

Nelson police are seeking more than $3000 in costs from the family of a 16-year-old girl who made a false rape complaint .

Detective Craig Johnston said the Motueka teenager told officers that at about 4.30pm on Saturday she had been dragged into bushes by two men near the Tahunanui roller skating rink.

She told police one of the men had stripped her naked and held her down while the other man raped her.

The teenager made a statement to the police about 6pm and described her two alleged attackers in detail. She was then taken to Nelson Hospital to be medically examined.

Mr Johnston said two detectives were immediately put on the case and inquiries led them to a 21-year-old man who told police he had been with the teenager that afternoon and they had been involved in a consensual sexual relationship.

Mr Johnston reinterviewed the teenager yesterday and she admitted making a false complaint. She has been referred to Youth Aid.

He said the costs police were seeking to recover included police time - an officer costs $76 an hour on duty - and the medical examination.

Nelson Rape Crisis coordinator Madeleine Pryce said the group was receiving an increasing number of complaints from young girls who had been raped - some as young as 13.

”I can understand why the police would be very cross with having their time wasted,'' she said.

Ms Pryce said Rape Crisis was now seeing up to 50 victims of rape for counselling and support work.

Mr Johnston said police took all complaints seriously and the teenager's actions could have had serious consequences for the falsely accused man.

The false complaint follows an intensive inquiry in January this year after a 16-year-old Marlborough girl alleged she had been raped at the Tahuna Beach Holiday Park on New Year's Eve.

Police spent several days interviewing people, placing pamphlets around the area and carrying out their investigation.

It was later found that the girl had made a false complaint following problems at home.

Mr Johnston said police would charge people with making a false complaint and seek reimbursement for the costs of any investigation.