Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2003

Northern Advocate (Whangarei)
October 22, 2003

Teenager alleged to have made false stabbing complaint

A Bay of Islands teenager has been referred to police youth aid after allegedly making a false complaint that she was attacked by two men and stabbed on her way to school.

The 16-year-old had told police last Thursday that she was grabbed by two men, beaten and stabbed up to 30 times by a pen-type instrument while walking to Bay of Islands College.

However, Kawakawa police Sergeant Brian Swann said the girl's allegations turned out to be false.

The matter had been referred to Police youth aid to decide if any action should be taken against the girl.

Mr Swann said police were "a bit annoyed" by the false complaint as it had taken up a lot of police resources and time.

"Six (police) staff were tied up for the best part of a day on (the girl's complaint)," he said.