Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2003

The Herald
October 25, 2003

False rape claims worry police

Seven false rape complaints have cost Dunedin police hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars this year, leaving fears victims may hesitate to report a crime.

The complaints tied up valuable police resources, often to the detriment of other cases, and risked sending the wrong message to genuine victims, police said.

"A real concern we have is that people who really have been the victim of rape or a sexual assault will hesitate to come to us because of a perception they won't be believed," Detective Sergeant Steve McGregor said.

Of the seven false complaints received so far this year, two occurred within the past two weeks.

Last Friday, a United States tourist, 32, told police she was abducted from the city and raped. She admitted on Wednesday that her complaint was untrue.

By then, police had spent more than 100 hours on the case, costing about $7000.