Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
January 31 2005

Five sought over rape of teen

A teenage girl has been brutally raped by five men in suburban Wellington, police say.

Detective Sergeant Tim Leitch said the 15-year-old was severely traumatised by the Newtown attack. Police are appealing for help in finding the attackers, who Mr Leitch says would have been noticed by people in the area.

The pack rape happened on Thursday between 2pm and 5pm but the victim was unable to bring herself to inform police till the weekend, he said.

The girl encountered the men when they were sitting at a table outside the McDonald's restaurant in Riddiford St. They made some comments to her before she walked off along a walkway toward Millward St. At a house under construction she decided to take a look inside but the men followed her and attacked her, Mr Leitch said.

The men were all described as Polynesian, aged between 25 and 35, of solid to heavy build. One was wearing a white T-shirt on his head and reflective sunglasses, while another was wearing a red-checked shirt.

At least four of the men were tattooed -- one on his chin, one on the back of his shaved head, one had a large tattoo on his shoulder and upper arm, while the fourth had a "tribal-type" band around his upper arm.