Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index

News Reports - NZ Cases 2005
False allegations primarily of sexual abuse, but also including other bizarre claims. A number of reports are of unproven cases, or cases where a convicted person still protests his innocence

This page last updated July 25 2006

17-year-old-woman - December - Nelson
A 17-year-old, embarrassed about a drunken sexual encounter with two men in a Nelson park, will be charged with making a false statement to police. Six detectives were assigned to the case after the young woman told police she had been gagged and raped by two men
2005-1231 - Nelson Mail - Woman charged over rape complaint
2005-1231 - Dominion Post - Complainant charged
2005-1230 - Stuff - Woman to be charged after false rape complaint
2005-1230 - One News - Teen charged over false complaint
2005-1230 - Nelson Mail - Reports of men on bike
2005-1229 - Stuff - Nelson rape investigation centres on bike
2005-1229 - Nelson Mail - Bike at centre of Nelson rape inquiry

28-year-old-woman - December - New Plymouth
A 28-year-old New Plymouth woman was arrested and charged with making a false complaint after she claimed she had been bashed unconscious by two women and had her car stolen
2005-1217 - Daily News - Woman (28) arrested after making a false complaint

22-year-old-woman - November - Wellington
A high profile claim …Headlines "Another taxi driver rape complaint" leading to more public concern about taxi drivers - and then a (now 23) year old woman is charged with making a false rape complaint
2005-1118 - Dominion Post - Diversion granted over false rape claim
2005-0915 - Dominion Post - Diversion granted
2005-0827 - The Press - False rape complaint    
2005-0824 - Dominion Post - Taxi drivers are vetted 
2005-0817 - Newstalk ZB - False rape complaints affect taxi industry
2005-0817 - One News - Taxi driver charged with rape
2005-0817 - Dominion Post - Taxi rape claim was false - police
2005-0808 - Stuff - Rape prompts warning to taxi passengers
2005-0808 - NZ Herald - Sex attack on taxi passenger
2005-0808 - Dominion Post - A woman says she was raped
2005-0808 - Newstalk ZB - Another taxi driver rape complaint
2005-0806 - One News - Taxi driver accused of rape
2005-0806 - Newstalk ZB - Woman alleges attack

Woman - November - Auckland
Former ACT MP Kenneth Wang has accusations of sexual harassment dismissed. His former employee, Janice Park, took a complaint to the Employment Relations Authority, alleging sexual harassment by Mr Wang and unfair dismissal

14-year-old-girl - September - Rotorua
A 14-year-old Rotorua girl has been referred to the youth aid service after making a false complaint. The girl had earlier made a statement to police last month claiming she had been accosted by three young males who followed her to a reserve in Western Heights. This had led to significant publicity about the supposed offence.
2005-0915 - Otago Daily Times - No charge over false claim
2005-0914 - Daily Post - Schoolgirl who lied about attack needs intensive counselling
2005-0914 - Dominion Post - False complaint

2005-0913 - Newstalk ZB - Teen makes false complaint
2005-0913 - NZ Herald - Teen 'made up' gagged, blindfolded complaint
2005-0829 - NZ Herald - Police ask dog-owner to help find girl's attackers  
2005-0827 - NZ Herald - Teenager bound, gagged and shorn

15-year-old-girl - September - Nelson
A 15-year-old girl told police she had been accosted and raped in Nelson. She said two men accosted her and took her to the Collingwood St bridge, where one of the men had raped her. Three detectives worked on the inquiry during Friday before the girl admitted it wasn't true
2005-0913 - Otago Daily Times - False complaint

2005-0912 - Nelson Mail - Rape complaint false

Unknown accuser - September - Auckland
One Auckland family knows all too well what CYF has to do after they became the innocent victim of a false claim of sexual abuse. For 24 hours they had to live with the claim that the father had abused his three-year-old daughter.
2005-0912 - TVNZ Close Up - Family at centre of false accusations

15-year-old-girl - September - New Plymouth   (hung jury)
Sex abuser or manipulative teenager?
2005-0903 - Taranaki Daily News - Jury unable to decide in Taranaki sex abuse case

Girl - August - Auckland
An Auckland sex offender's 1997 conviction for rape and other crimes has been quashed after his alleged victim retracted her complaint. The girl said she had given false evidence, and repeated her retraction in a sworn statement. 
2005-0825 - Dominion Post - Sex conviction quashed after girl's retraction

37-year-old-woman - August - Palmerston North
New Reports added July 24 2006
Man acquitted of rape. The man's lawyer argued that the rape accusation was made up to deny Connolly access to the son he shared with the complainant……"The complainant) is simply not credible and her account is unreliable and inconsistent" He called the rape allegations "a pack of lies".   The man was acquitted but found guilty of a charge of threatening to kill for which he received a community sentence.
2005-0916 - Dominion Post - Threat to kill earns community service
2005-0827 - Manawatu Standard - Rape accused acquitted  
2005-0827 - Dominion Post - Man guilty on threat count 
2005-0826 - Manawatu Standard - Rape trial jury deliberates

2005-0826 - Dominion Post - Woman's rape tape rejected as a setup

2005-0825 - Manawatu Standard - Man denies raping ex-partner
2005-0824 - Dominion Post - Secret tape made to back rape claim   
2005-0824 - Manawatu Standard - Complainant challenged

20-year-old-man - August - Auckland   (unproven)
This case is listed here as an unproven case. The allegations may have been false, but also could have been true.  A 56 year old teacher faced allegations of abuse from ten years before - and committed suicide - An understandable reaction to either facing justice for what he had done, or from facing the horror of being falsely accused.
2005-0820 - Stuff - Teacher died while facing sex charges
2005-0820 - NZ Herald - Teacher died while facing sex charges

14-year-old-girl - August - Auckland
A 14-year-old girl taken to Starship Hospital early yesterday was so drunk she did not know what had happened to her. Detective Barren Attwood said the girl was found abandoned at the rear of shops in West Auckland about lam. A police statement initially said she had been sexually violated and had made a rape complaint, but this was later retracted.
2005-0814 - Sunday Star Times - Girl, 14, drunk and abandoned

~39-year-old-woman - August - Whangarei
A Northland man charged with raping his former partner has walked free after the woman admitted her complaint to police was "not completely true". The man's lawyer argued in court that the charges should be dismissed because the complaint had been false. He presented a letter from the woman ….that said her complaint was not entirely true "in that she consented". The letter stated she would not sign police documents, that the allegations were not true and that she would not appear in court
2005-0815 - Stuff - Man cleared of 'not completely true' rape charges

44-year-old-woman - August - Cambridge
A woman has been found guilty of making false allegations of rape against police in what prosecutors say was a bid to derail charges she was facing at the time. Crown solicitor Simon Moore said the woman first made an allegation …three days after publicity surrounding Nicholas' case resulted in a high-profile police officer being suspended. "Given the political climate at the time, these were very topical disclosures to be taken very seriously," Mr Moore said.
2005-0813 - NZ Herald - False sex complaints earn 5 months' jail   
2005-0611 - NZ Herald - Crown wants jail for false sex claims
2005-0611 - Waikato Times - Judge rules rape allegations false
2005-0610 - One News - Women found guilty of false rape claim
2005-0609 - Waikato Times - Woman unspecific on rape: officer
2005-0608 - Waikato Times - Woman on trial over rape claims
2005-0608 - NZ Herald - Claims of rape false, court told
2005-0607 - One News - Woman facing false rape charges

18-year-old woman - August - Hamilton
19-year-old woman - August - Hamilton
Two separate complaints of rape made to Hamilton police have turned out to be false. They were made by women aged 18 and 19. ……Police have not decided whether to press charges against the women
2005-0808 - NZ Herald - False rape complaints annoy police
2005-0808 - Dominion Post - False complaints

2005-0806 - Newstalk ZB - False rape complaints

8-year-old girl - July - Dunedin
A jury yesterday acquitted a 21-year-old man of indecently assaulting an 8-year-old girl. …..The accused, a Dunedin salesman, who was granted final name suppression, was charged with indecently assaulting an 8-year-old girl….. Defence counsel Mike Radford also said the victim was “guessing” some of her evidence and her evidence did not always correlate with her mother’s.
2005-0726 - Otago Daily Times - Man acquitted of indecency

20-year-old-woman - July - Christchurch
More than 20 police took part in an investigation after a Darfield woman falsely complained of abduction, assault.  In the Christchurch District Court, the 20-year-old woman admitted making a false statement of crime
2005-0720 - The Press - False complaint

Woman - July - Rotorua
A former Rotorua Boys High School 1st XV rugby player has been found not guilty of rape. The 18 year old had pleaded not guilty at Rotorua District Court to two charges of raping a woman last August.
2005-0701 - Dominion Post - Rape acquittal

37-year-old-woman - June - Mt Maunganui
A woman has made allegations of an historical (1989) pack rape, in a case connected to the inquiry associated with the Louise Nicholas allegations of police pack-rape, but not involving Loise Nicholas. The four men on trial deny the allegations completely, and the case depended on the credibility of the testimony of the complainant and the men. The four men were found guilty - a verdict that is destined to remain extremely controversial
Refer Police Rape Allegations for News Reports;

30-year-old-woman - June - Dunedin
A Dunedin man has been acquitted of sexually assaulting his former partner at her home. The woman told the court on Thursday that Tomlinson had arrived at her house asking for sex and pushed her into her bedroom where he raped her. She denied suggestions by the defence that she made up a false story to prevent Tomlinson having access to his children. The jurors’ findings were greeted by Tomlinson and his family with cries and tears of relief..
2005-0618 - Otago Daily Times - Jury finds man not guilty of sex attack
2005-0617 - Otago Daily Times - Woman says she washed clothes after rape

38-year-old-woman - June - Christchurch
A former prostitute made an allegation of rape against a police officer. She said she decided to make the complaint after Louise Nicholas went public with her allegations of pack rape. The police investigated the complaint, with the policeman being cleared and no charges being laid.
2005-0620 - Dominion Post - Policeman cleared
2005-0620 - NZ Herald - Officer accused of rape in clear
2005-0620 - The Press - No charges over alleged rape
2004-1020 - One News - New police rape allegation
2004-1020 - NZ Herald - Rape claim against police under investigation
2004-1020 - The Press - Rape was 17 years ago, says woman

18-year-old-woman - June - South Auckland
Woman claimed she had been abducted, driven to Wellington, and forced to empty her bank account. She asked her mother to put money into the account. Police discovered she had spent the time drinking in Taupo.  She has been charged with making a false complaint
2005-0616 - NZ Herald - Woman charged over false kidnap charges

22-year-old-woman - June - Tauranga
A 44 year old policeman on trial for allegedly sexually violating a prisoner. The policeman was arrested at about the same time as the significant publicity associated with the Nicholas rape allegations against the police. The policeman was acquitted with the jury out for 70 minutes.
2005-0602 - NZ Herald - Policeman cleared of sexual violation
2005-0601 - Stuff - Policeman found not guilty of sexual violation
2005-0601 - Otago Daily Times - Money motive for claim, witness tells court
2005-0530 - Otago Daily Times - Policeman asked why he was in shower area
2005-0528 - Stuff - Police officer questioned over women's showers
2005-0528 - Otago Daily Times - Evidence of violation lacking, policeman says
2005-0527 - Otago Daily Times - Sex accuser denies beauty comment
2005-0526 - Otago Daily Times - Woman denies fabricating story
2005-0525 - Otago Daily Times - Policeman on trial for sexual violation

19-year-old-woman - April - Nelson
A 19-year-old Nelson woman who accused a man of rape after a party in Nelson has been charged with making a false statement. The woman will appear in court on May 10. 
2005-0429 - The Press - Complaint 'false'

18-year-old-woman - April - Christchurch
A man was accused by an 18 year old woman, but walked free when security camera footage backed up his story of consensual sex. Prominent defence lawyer Pip Hall, who acted for the accused, said "it was a very bad investigation, in many respects."
2005-0424 - The Press - Bungled police inquiry slammed

33-year-old-woman - April - Greymouth
A West Coast woman dragged her drunken husband home, beat him up, then had him falsely arrested…. She admitted charges of assault and laying a false complaint
2005-0421 - NZ Herald - Woman admits she beat up husband

30-year-old-man - April - Nelson
A 30-year-old man tried to extract $300,000 from his former babysitter over a historical sexual abuse allegation telling him to "find the money or he would go to jail", Nelson District Court was told yesterday ………. the defendant went to the victim's Richmond workplace on January 25. He asked the man to come outside, and then accused him of sexually molesting him when he was young. The victim denied the allegation. The defendent then told him he would report the matter to police unless a total of $300,000 was paid to him and an associate.
2005-0316 - NZ Herald - Man admits trying to blackmail babysitter

2005-0421 - NZ Herald - Man jailed for $300,000 blackmail of babysitter

12-year-old-girl - March - Christchurch
Police were initially looking for a 40-50 year old man who attempted to drag a 12 year old girl into a car. Two weeks later the police closed the file as a false complaint, and referring the girl to Youth Aid
2005-0316 - The Press - False complaint
2005-0315 - Newstalk ZB - False abduction claim
2005-0301 - The Press - Police seek Aranui offender

67-year-old-woman - March - Waikato
A north Waikato woman accused of blackmailing her ex-husband with accusations of rape allegedly told him she would contact police unless he paid their children thousands of dollars. The 67-year-old, who has name suppression, denies one charge of blackmail relating to an incident with her ex-husband on January 5 last year.
2005-0315 - Waikato Times - Ex-husband 'blackmailed'
2005-0317 - Waikato Times - Blackmail allegations denied

15-year-old girl - March - Dunedin
The 15-year-old complainant was declared a hostile witness in an under-age sex case in the Dunedin District Court. She said her earlier accounts were not true. She agreed that she had lied under oath at the preliminary hearing.  The trial ended up with a hung jury, and a new trial ordered.
2005-0304 - Otago Daily Times - Hostile witnesses in sex case
2005-0305 - Otago Daily Times - New trial ordered in under-age sex case

19-year-old woman - February - Dunedin
A Dunedin woman who claimed she was raped at the weekend has asked police not to investigate her complaint….. Senior Sergeant Tony Wakelin said three police officers spent two days investigating the complaint before the woman asked on Tuesday for the matter to be dropped
2005-0224 - Otago Daily Times - No rape investigation

15-year-old boy - February - Marton
Police investigating the brutal killing of Marton pensioner Mona Morriss have referred a teenager to youth aid on a charge of making a false statement. The 15-year-old is alleged to have made up a false story in which he identified the killer.
2005-0226 - Dominion Post - Teen wasted murder case time, say police
2005-0225 - Newstalk ZB - Teen in trouble over false story

Woman  (Mother) – February
High Court judgment has exposed a bitter custody battle in which a woman's false allegations of sex abuse took two years to disprove because of incompetence on the part of social services. The injustice -suffered by the father was compounded when a costs award in his favour was reduced by the High Court following an omission in a Family Court judge's ruling.  The woman – who accused her ex-husband of sexually abusing their daughter and a son from a previous relationship ……..
2005-0212 - NZ Listener - Rough justice

26-year-old woman - February - Taupo  
Woman faked a vicious sex attack on the shore of Lake Taupo, The woman had phoned 111 in a distressed state about 4.40am yesterday….Police patrol cars were immediately sent to look for the woman, who was found lying face down on a beach, her body partially in the water….. Her clothes were ripped and she appeared to be unconscious….. …. The woman (later) admitted to police that it was a hoax….She admitted in court making a false rape complaint where it was revealed that she has three previous convictions for making false statements
2005-0208 - Taupo Times - Accused of making false complaint
2005-0208 - Dominion Post - Rape hoaxer had cried wolf before
2005-0205 - Dominion Post - Anger at second fake rape claim
2005-0205 - NZ Herald - Police anger at faked sex attack
2005-0204 - Stuff - Woman fakes sex attack

15-year-old girl - February - Wellington   
The case began with the police asking for help with their investigation of an "horrific" and "brutal" gang rape of a girl "suffering severe trauma". After a couple of days of headlines, with 15 police officers assigned to the case, the police announced the rape did not occur, and the girl would be "referred to Youth Aid"
2005-0203 - Dominion Post - Rape claim 'false'
2005-0203 - The Press - Rape claim false
2005-0202 - Stuff - Wellington pack rape allegations unfounded
2005-0202 - Newstalk ZB - Rape investigation called off
2005-0201 - Dominion Post - Team investigating rape
2005-0131 - Dominion Post - Five sought over rape of teen
2005-0130 - Newstalk ZB - Gang rape investigation in Wellington

30-year-old woman – January – Orari, Timaru    
An Orari woman was yesterday given a two-month prison sentence for making a false child sexual abuse complaint to Children, Youth and Family. ………Judge Christopher Somerville described the allegation of child abuse as one of the worst that could be made. A nine-year-old child had been removed from his family for five days while CYF investigated the allegation. In October last year Dalton telephoned the National Child Youth and Family Call Centre. She gave the call taker another name and said she had witnessed the complainant sexually abusing her child.
2005-0127 - Timaru Herald - Prison for false abuse complaint