Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
February 3 2005

Rape claim 'false'

Police have called off an investigation into the alleged pack rape of a teenager after deciding the allegations were unfounded.

The girl claimed to have been raped and traumatised by five men near the McDonald's restaurant in Newtown, Wellington, last Thursday.

Detective Inspector Gary Knowles, head of Wellington CIB, said the inquiry had spent time talking to Newtown residents and young people.

"We have spoken to a number of people, including four youths . . . We are satisfied the allegations are unfounded."

The inquiry had involved 25 staff and been particularly exhaustive, Mr Knowles said. The girl had been referred to Youth Aid.

Mr Knowles said unfounded allegations were made occasionally, but the vast majority of rape claims were truthful.

"We treat all rape complaints as genuine and investigate them all thoroughly."


The Press
February 3 2005

Rape claim false

Police say an alleged pack rape in the Wellington suburb of Newtown on Sunday did not happen and have referred the 15-year-old female complainant to Youth Aid.

The girl had alleged she had been raped by five men she had seen sitting outside a McDonald's restaurant.

"We have spoken to a number of people, including four youths, and undertaken significant scene inquiries," said Detective Inspector Garry Knowles, of the Wellington CIB. "We are satisfied that the allegations as made to police are unfounded." The investigation involved 25 police staff.