Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
February 5 2005

Anger at second fake rape claim
by Paul Mulrooney and NZPA

A second false rape allegation in a week has police fuming at the lost time and taxpayer money involved in the wasted investigations.

A woman, 26, will appear in Taupo District Court on Monday, charged with making a false complaint to police after phoning 111 in a distressed state about 4.40am on Thursday.

Detective Sergeant Andy Allan said patrol cars were immediately sent to look for the woman, who was found lying face down on the shore of Lake Taupo, her body partly in the water. Her clothes were ripped and she appeared to be unconscious.

"There were factors at the scene which indicated this woman had been the victim of a vicious sexual attack," he said.

While being rushed by ambulance to Taupo Hospital, she told police she had been violated by an unknown man.

A police doctor examined her and she was admitted to hospital.

"After investigating this matter for the entire day, it became apparent that there were too many inconsistencies in her story and she was brought in for re-interview," Mr Allan said.

The woman admitted to police that it was a hoax and she had made the scene look like a sex attack.

"She had even gone to the extent of creating drag marks in the sand and she ripped her own clothing."

Police were infuriated, because staff had been called out at 5am and had dropped all other investigations, he said.

"This is all at the taxpayer's expense and totally a waste of everyone's time and resources."

The false claim follows a hoax in Wellington earlier this week.

Wellington Independent Rape Crisis coordinator Georgina Thompson cautioned against assumptions that a police decision to stop investigating a case automatically meant a claim was false. "In reality false complaints of rape are extraordinarily rare, they occupy a tiny percentage of cases."