Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

Otago Daily Times
May 27 2005


Sex accuser denies beauty comment

Tauranga: A woman who alleges she was sexually violated by a police officer in Tauranga police station cells has denied saying officers only arrested her because she was beautiful.

The allegation was put to her in the High Court at Rotorua during the trial of Senior Constable Fredrick John Follas.

Follas has pleaded not guilty to sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection.

He was alleged to have sexually violated the woman in a shower in the women’s cell block in the police station on February 5 last year.

The woman, whose name is suppressed, was asked under cross examination if she had ever made comments to police that they only arrested her “because she is beautiful”.

Rachael Adams, representing Follas asked the woman if she had accused police officers of being attracted to her sexually. The woman denied she said that.

Ms Adams outlined three occasions where the woman allegedly accused police officers of wanting to have sex with her - in February 2003, October 2003, and February 2004.

The woman denied all three incidents.

She took exception to questioning which suggested she had a bad attitude and purposefully damaged police cells.

“I think it’s only natural for a person to go into court and police cells with a bit of an attitude problem,” the woman said.

Crown prosecutor Jonathan Temm on Wednesday called 12 witnesses to back up the Crown case against Follas

One of those was Tony Balme, a Tauranga criminal lawyer who spoke to the woman several times between February 2 and 5 last year.

He told the court he had been trying to get bail for the woman from a Tauranga District Court judge that week.

It was after the woman was refused bail that she alleged Follas sexually violated her, he said.

In a further conversation with Mr Balme at the Tauranga police station, she said she did not want to make any trouble for Follas and that he had been kind to her during her time in the police cells.