Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

Otago Daily Times
June 1 2005

Money motive for claim, witness tells court

Tauranga Two associates of a woman who claims a police officer sexually violated her in a shower at Tauranga police station told a court she is a liar and out to get money.

Tania Thomas and her niece, Tangiora Thomas, were giving evidence for the defence in the trial of Senior Constable Fredrick John Follas at the High Court in Rotorua.

Follas has denied sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection.

He is accused of violating a woman prisoner, whose name is suppressed, in the female cell block of the police station on February 5 last year with a bar of soap and then his fingers.

Tania and Tangiora Thomas told the court the woman had told them different versions of the allegation and that she was making up the story to get money.

Tangiora Thomas said she had known the woman since she herself was about 13 years old.

Ms Thomas said the woman first told her about the violation about a week after it allegedly took place.

“She told me that Fred got into her at the police station cells,” she said. “I got a fright because I know Fred’s not like that.

“I asked her if she was sure that he had done that to her and she said that she was just lying.”

Ms Thomas said the woman repeated the story again on another occasion.

“She said she was going to take him to court for some money.”

She also admitted Follas had taken the soap to her in the shower block and left it at the door like he usually did.

Ms Thomas’ aunt, Tania Thomas, gave similar evidence.

“She told me that she was going to have Fred up for rape or something stupid,” she said.

“I didn’t want to believe it. She’s a liar. She wanted this for money — this is all for money. Fred would not do that. Fred is not like that.”

Both women said Follas treated them with respect during the times they had been held in the police station cell block.

Under cross- examination by Crown prosecutor Jonathan Temm, Tangiora Thomas admitted she had been caught driving whilst disqualified 13 times in the past 15 years.

Tania Thomas admitted she had “heaps” of past convictions. She put them down to mistakes made in her past.

The defence also called nine police officers who outlined their dealings with the woman prisoner.

Two of the officers described times when the woman accused them of wanting to have sex with her and to stare at her body.