Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

June 1 2005

Policeman found not guilty of sexual violation

A Tauranga policeman has been acquitted of sexual violation following a seven-day jury trial.

Senior Constable Fredrick John Follas, aged 44, was found not guilty yesterday afternoon of having inappropriately touched a female prisoner with a bar of soap and then his fingers in the shower block at Tauranga police station.

The allegation arose at the same time Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas went public with her accusation that she was raped by three policeman back in 1986.

It took the jury just 70 minutes to decide Follas was innocent.

Summing-up, Crown prosecutor Jonathan Temm told the jury to find Follas guilty because he had time on the morning of February 5 last year to commit the offence.

Follas also built up a strong enough relationship with the woman that week in the cell block that he was willing to risk she would not make a complaint.

The jury was asked not to be influenced by the woman's lifestyle and criminal history.

However the defence asked the jury to be realistic about the circumstances the alleged offence took place in.

She reminded them of how busy Follas was that morning looking after eight male prisoners as well as the 22-year-old woman prisoner, whose name was suppressed.

"When on earth is he supposed to have managed to fit a sexual violation in?"

After the verdict, Justice Colin Nicholson told Follas he was free to go.

"You have been through an ordeal. It's over now," he said.