Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

Waikato Times
June 9 2005

Woman unspecific on rape: officer

A Waikato woman who claimed she was raped by a police officer was inconsistent with dates of the alleged abuse and was a difficult person to interview, says a policewoman who spoke to her.

The 40-year-old woman is on trial on two charges of making a false complaint to police that she was raped by a constable and sexually assaulted by his colleague.

The victims and the defendant have name suppression.

In the Hamilton District Court yesterday, Crown Solicitor Simon Moore read evidence from Senior Sergeant Karen Henrikson, who interviewed the defendant on April 14 last year.

The woman claimed she was sexually assaulted at a police station in December 2003 and was raped several times several months later by an officer who investigated her for credit card and cheque theft.

Ms Henrikson's statement said the defendant tended to generalise, struggled to remember dates and found it easier to demonstrate what happened rather than discuss it.

She became emotional and upset when questioned about specific details, Ms Henrikson's statement said.

The woman's complaints sparked an investigation and resulted in the constable being stood down from the police.

Yesterday the defendant's former partner told the court he was unsure of the date when the defendant told him she was sexually abused by the policeman because she was hesitant to talk about it.

"She told me he came round and was hassling her about the case and that he would make her life and my life hell," the man said.

Mr Moore questioned the witness about the sequence of events, particularly about when he found out the constable had supposedly visited and when the defendant told him about the sexual attacks.

"I didn't know anything about what he'd done to her. If I had known I would have gone straight to a police station to lay a complaint," he said.

The court was told the woman had a troubled past, suffered nightmares after the attack and was a sleepwalker