Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

Waikato Times
June 11 2005

Judge rules rape allegations false

Claims a Waikato woman was raped by a policeman and sexually assaulted by his colleague were complete fabrications, a judge has ruled.

In Hamilton District Court yesterday, Judge Robert Spear found the 44-year-old woman guilty of two charges of making a false complaint to police.

On April 14 last year, the woman told police she was sexually assaulted by a female non-sworn police employee when arrested on December 9, 2003, and that she was raped several times by the arresting officer two months later.

The woman told her lawyer she had been assaulted three days after a policeman was suspended after Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas made historic rape allegations.

The defendant's claims sparked a three-month police investigation, led by five Counties Manukau detectives, which cost tens of thousands of dollars of police resources, said Detective Inspector Steve Rutherford.

Judge Spear said the woman claimed the constable had black hair instead of blonde, burned a letter supposedly sent by him and gave dates that did not correspond to the constable's movements. She also boasted to a neighbour she was having an affair with the same constable.

"It points to a strange fascination with the constable which I find is not grounded in reality," Judge Spear said.

The victims have permanent name suppression and the judge ordered that interim name suppression for the woman continue.

He ordered victim impact statements, pre-sentence and psychiatric reports and remanded the woman on bail to be sentenced August 8.