Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

Otago Daily Times
June 17 2005

Woman says she showered, washed clothes after rape
Court Reporter

The trial of a man accused of sexually assaulting his former partner more than 18 months ago will end today in the Dunedin District Court.

Kelvin George Tomlinson (31), labourer, has pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually violating the woman by raping her and having unlawful sexual connection with her on December 26, 2003.

In her evidence yesterday, the complainant told Judge David Saunders and a jury Tomlinson arrived unexpectedly at her home on Boxing Day, 2003, asking for sex and refusing to leave when requested.

The woman said he pushed her into her bedroom and on to the bed, then digitally penetrated her before having sexual intercourse in spite of her protests.

After he left, she telephoned her then boyfriend and asked him to come over and throw her duvet and bed linen into the rubbish. She had a shower and it was not until the evening she decided to talk to the police about what had happened. That was because Tomlinson had her children with him and she was afraid of how he might react because of his reaction in the past when there had been difficulties over access to the children.

The woman said access had been regular since her relationship with Tomlinson ended but there were “lots of problems” at times.

Tomlinson would get the children excited about going out with him and would then ask her for sex, saying he would not take the children unless she agreed, the woman said.

After the Boxing Day incident, he had asked about them “getting back together”.

Later in the day, she put her clothing into the wash. She said she also washed a towel she had been holding when Tomlinson raped her.

To Mr Savage in cross examination, the woman denied she had been trying to stop the accused having access to the children. She agreed there had been problems and the situation had been acrimonious at times.

Other than being pushed on to the bed by Tomlinson before he raped her, there had been no physical violence, the woman agreed. Asked why she had washed the towel when it could have had Tomlinson’s semen on it, she said she had not been going to make a complaint and had not really thought about the towel as she had not thought about the fact she should not have had a shower if she was going to go to the police.

Mr Savage suggested she had decided to make a false complaint and the towel story was the only way she could think of to explain the lack of semen, but the woman denied that.

There had been no reason for her to make up such a story, as things had been going well over access at the time and she and Tomlinson had been communicating well and had been to the movies together, the woman said.

The victim’s then boyfriend gave evidence confirming he had received a call from the woman who was crying but did not tell him what was wrong. He agreed she had asked him to come to her house and throw the duvet and bed linen in the rubbish.

Two of the woman’s friends told of being at a South Rd address on January 21 last year and of hearing Tomlinson talking to someone on the telephone, asking the person to say, if questioned by the police, that he had been at their house at some specified time on Boxing Day.

Detective Graeme Smaill told the court he spoke with the complainant on December 27, 2003 and with Tomlinson on January 21 last year.

Tomlinson, who was with his lawyer, denied being at the victim’s house on December 26 and he did not wish to make a statement.

The detective said he was aware the duvet and bedding had been retrieved from the rubbish and tested for DNA. He was also aware there was no scientific evidence connecting Tomlinson to the scene.