Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Press
July 20 2005

False complaint

More than 20 police took part in an operation coating $15,650 after a Darfield woman falsely complained she had been abducted.

In the Christchurch District Court, Rebecka Zoe Gallagher, 20, admitted making a false statement of crime.

Sergeant Dave Murray said that on July 10 police received a complaint about the alleged abduction of a young woman.

Gallagher later went to the police, dishevelled and with cuts and grazes, saying she had been abducted from a Darfield street, driven to a river and assaulted before managing to escape.

Twenty-five police were mobilised in an effort to find the supposed assailant, Murray said.

In the course of three-hour video interview some inconsistencies and lies appeared, he said. The abortive operation wasted 230 hours of police time at a cost of $15,650.

Lawyer Mervyn Glue said Gallagher was a first offender with solid family support. It appeared to be a one-off incident.

Judge Tony Couch said it was an appalling thing to have done in terms of wasted resources. He was prepared to deal with it by way of a community-based sentence, but the scale merited a significant term.

Gallagher was sentenced to 150 hours community work