Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

NZ Herald
August 8 2005

False rape complaints annoy police
by Nicola Boyes

Hamilton police will decide this week whether to charge two women who made separate false rape complaints at the weekend.

Detective Sergeant Nigel Keall said police spent time and resources investigating the women's complaints.

"It's just a waste of resources that could have been used elsewhere."

Both complaints were lodged on Friday.

One was made by an 18-year-old and the other by a 19-year-old.

Senior investigators estimate that between 60 and 80 per cent of rape complaints made by women are false.

Mr Keall said false complaints tainted the community's perception of sexual offending and the genuine victims who needed support.

He said there was also a difference between people making complaints of stranger rapes and making allegations against a specific person, which could sometimes be malicious.

In the case of the Friday complainants, "obviously there are provisions to charge them with various offences or they may just be warned, but there's still a few inquiries to be done to establish exactly why the complaints have been made and that will have a large bearing on the result."

* A 44-year-old Cambridge woman will be sentenced in the Tauranga District Court this week for making a false rape complaint against a Cambridge police officer who has since left the force.

The woman, who made the complaint just three days after historic allegations of rape were levelled against three police officers by Louise Nicholas of Rotorua, was convicted in June.

Judge Robert Spear, who heard the case in the Hamilton District Court, found the woman's allegations were fabricated and bizarre.