Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

One News
August 17 2005

Taxi driver charged with rape
Source: RNZ

A 26-year-old Wellington taxi driver has been committed for trial on a charge of raping a female passenger. 

The man is alleged to have attacked the 24-year-old in the early hours of May 1. His lawyer conceded at a Wellington District Court depositions hearing that there is a case to answer.

The accused, whose name and company are suppressed, has been released on bail on condition he doesn't drive a taxi.  He will next appear in court on October. 

Meanwhile in an unrelated case, a woman is due to appear in Wellington District Court next week on a charge of making a false rape complaint against a Wellington taxi driver.

The woman had claimed she was raped in the back of a taxi in Arthur Carman St, Johnsonville, near her home, about 8.30am on August 6. Despite extensive police inquiries, no one on the busy suburban street heard or saw the alleged attack.