Allegations of Sexual Abuse in NZ

False Allegations - Index

Cases - 2005

The Dominion Post
August 24 2005

Taxi drivers are vetted
Letter to the Editor
by Miles Langdon, Porirua

You were quick to point the finger at taxi drivers with your coverage of an alleged rape (Another taxi sex attack, August 8).

As it transpired the story was fabricated but even if there had been an incident, it is up to the courts to decide if an offence took place.

It is your duty to report the facts at the time and all that anyone could be sure of was that a woman had made a complaint.

Your article and the accompanying publicity did the taxi industry a huge disservice with business down for a few days.

In future, if would be appreciated by drivers if your reporting was more balanced and took into consideration the fact that drivers have to be police vetted. The same is not true of passengers.